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VIEW FROM THE END OF THE PLATFORM Incorporating GARDEN RAILWAY WORLD Issue 334 June 2022 Publisher: Steve Cole Editor: Phil Parker T: 07879 664 383 Design: Ruth Jamieson Advertising: Bev Machin T: 01778 392055 Advertising Designer: Amie Carter Production Eexecutive: Allison Mould 01778 395002 Marketing Manager: Carly Dadge Contributors: Andy Christie, Keith Foster, James Hilton, Alan MacFarlane, Dave Skertchly, Mark Thatcher, Ray Waters Cartoon: Barbara Martin ©Warners Group Publications plc 2022 All rights reserved. Material is only accepted on the understanding that there are no copyright restrictions. Although every care will be taken, all materials submitted are at the owner’s risk and Warners Group Publications cannot be held responsible for loss or damage however caused. Copyright on all materials in this magazine remains vested in the Authors and Warners Group Publications. Reproduction of the whole or any part is forbidden without relevant permissions. Warners Group Publications and the Editor cannot be held responsible for any error that might occur in text or advertisements. Reliance placed upon the contents of the magazine is entirely at the reader’s own risk. Printed by: Warners Midlands plc Distribution News Trade – Warners Distribution T: 01778 392417 Model Trade – Warners Trade Sales T: 01778 392404 Overseas Agents – Japan Erei Co, Ltd 1-1-12 Toyotama-kita, Nerma-ku, Tokyo 176 Subscriptions T: 01778 392465 F: 01778 421706 (UK & Overseas) UK: £57.00 12 issues (1 year) UK DD: 3 issues for £5 then £12.49 per quarter Rest of Europe: £71.00 12 issues (1 year) Rest of World: £83.00 12 issues (1 year) You can now manage your subscription online at: Back Issues T: 01778 391180 West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE One of the wonderful things about our hobby is the people taking part in it. Having a common interest helps to break down barriers, and so it’s perfectly possible to find yourself sitting around a pub table talking trains with lawyers, bishops, professors and bus drivers. In this issue, I catch up with someone I’ve known for pretty much all of my ‘serious’ railway modelling life. Many years ago, Keith Foster helped me get started with small-scale kit-building and let me join his operating team on the exhibition circuit. He’s one of the people responsible for me doing the job I do now, and so it was a pleasure to find he’s moved into the larger scales and tinkering with his Accucraft ‘Dolgoch’ to make it even more accurate - read more on page 16. Sadly, our letters page includes a tribute to Steve Hammett, someone I met more recently and didn’t have the chance to get to know as well as I should have. Generously hosting indoor steaming sessions on his farm, they were some of the first I attended. From this, we chatted at many exhibitions and I always wanted to enjoy ‘playing trains’ on his line, but never found the time. Don’t let anyone tell you that having a hobby isn’t important. All the dark days we have experienced have shown that our connections with others are vital, so fire up your engines and enjoy them, and the people you meet along the tracks. In preparation for the Garden Rail ‘Layout in a day”’, my Mum’s greenhouse is starting to fill up with scenery I’ll need for the line when it appears at the NGRS in late June. Plants take longer to prepare than rolling stock! CONTENTS GAUGING OPINIONS by Mark Thatcher P24 SLATE RAILWAY TO MOEL FFERNA by James Hilton P6 CHIRK STATION by Andy Christie P14 THE STORY OF MOSS by Dave Skertchly P30 P35 DETAILING DOLGOCH by Keith Foster P16 MAILBOX TESTING A STEAM LOCOMOTIVE by Alan MacFarlane P18 PLINE DARJEELING HIMALAYAN RAILWAY DIESEL by Mark Thatcher P36 STAYING ON TRACK by Ray Waters P22 DIARY DATES P23 P42 PRODUCT NEWS BOLE LASER CRAFT SUGAR CANE WAGON P44 P50 READERS MODELS | 334 June 2022 3

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