The grid Contributors People
Jim al-Khalili, Devi Sridhar, Andy Byford, Graham Phillips, Rebecca Salter The joy of lex: Trolling
Sarah Ogilvie Brexit Britain’s liberal turn
Sam Freedman Philosopher-at-large:
Dealing with dictators Julian Baggini Diary
Beth Rigby Letters and In fact plus Stephen Collins’s cartoon Heat or eat?
An exam question with no answers Torsten Bell ˆ Don’t kill all the lawyers
David Allen Green Lives Puzzles plus events Brief encounter
Monica Ali
The Churchill cult
Britain needs to face up to the darker side of its wartime icon Priyamvada Gopal Oxford rules
One university produced our current political mess Andrew Adonis Ž Voices from a nation
How the west is discovering Ukraine’s writers David Herman Ž Posthumous reputations
Julian Barnes’s tribute to Anita Brookner misfires Leo Robson Ž Visit from the Steve Jobs squad
Jennifer Egan’s tech visionary upends the world Catherine Taylor Ž Books in brief Art: Raphael, angel with a clipboard Keith Miller ˆ Classical: Harrison
Birtwistle’s wounds Kate Molleson Stage: How playwright Beth
Steel knew she could do it Kate Maltby Screen: Riz Ahmed, from
Wembley to the Oscars Sukhdev Sandhu
Cover artwork by Justin Metz
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