CONTENTS Poems Noelle Kocot Three Poems 7 Dante Micheaux Abyss 10 Carol Watts Ghost Ponds 11 Jakky Bankong-Obi Two Poems 13 Selima Hill Six Poems 16 Timothy Liu Two Poems 18 Miguel Murphy Tarot 20 Xiao Yue Shan Two Poems 21 Bonnie Hancell imagine _ me 23 Chris McCabe Two Poems 24 Rae Armantrout Three Poems 26 Hannah Lowe Sinnerman 29 Jameson Fitzpatrick Five Poems 30 Laura Elliott Morning Alone 35 Sam Riviere After Colours 36 Katy Mack When the scarecrows come you 37 must not question why Sandeep Parmar from FAUST 38
Wilful Re-readings Mark Wunderlich, Kevin Breathnach, Gemma Robinson, and 42 Lara Pawson pen essays commemorating centenaries relating to Rainer Maria Rilke, T.S. Eliot, Wilson Harris, and Philip Larkin
Poems Gray Behagg beautiful way to be alone 64 Geraldine Monk Chattering Chateris. Earl Sterndale, 65
Daljit Nagra from indiom 66 Andy Spragg Shell grotto 69