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CONTENTS ISSUE 389 (Vol. XXXIII, No. 5) ❙ August 2022 44 FEATURES 22 HMS INVINCIBLE Excavating a Georgian time capsule Archaeological investigations of the wreck of HMS Invincible, which sank off Portsmouth in 1758, have revealed hat l fe as l e o boa o e of the fi est warships in the Georgian Royal Navy, and one of the best-preserved ships of its kind in UK waters. Now the story of Invincible’s loss, rediscovery, and excavation is being retold at The Historic Dockyard Chatham. 30 CISSBURY RING Neolithic flint-mines in the digital age Excavations at Cissbury Ring hillfort, carried out in the s t a sfo e o e sta g of eol th tmining. Seventy years on, an innovative new interpretive trail has been launched at the West Sussex landmark, which is also home to a number of Bronze Age barrows a o a o t sh fiel s as ell as traces of Tudor and Second World War defence systems. 34 LESSONS FROM CANTERBURY Saving heritage with new approaches to urban development Canterbury’s streets, buildings, and views are under threat from the scale of new buildings proposed for the city centre. CA reports on a manifesto published by SAVE Britain’s Heritage, which recommends a more historically sympathetic approach to urban development. 44 BUTSER ANCIENT FARM AT 50 Celebrating half a century of experimental archaeology Butser Ancient Farm in Hampshire is marking its 50th birthday this year, offering an opportunity to look back over half a century of the site’s pioneering experimental archaeology and public educational work, and to share the memories of those who have contributed to the site’s development over the years. 52 TRAVELLERS FROM AN ANTIQUE LAND Exploring the collections of the Society of Antiquaries of London With the Society of Antiquaries of London launching a e affil ate e be sh to a e ts olle t o s o e accessible to the public, we visited Burlington House to learn more about its eclectic holdings and more than three centuries of antiquarian activity. 34 30 4 Current Archaeology AUGUST 2022
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CONTENTS - UPFRONT 3 EDITOR’S LETTER 6 LETTERS Your comments, complaints, and compliments 9 13 1 8 NEWS Stone circle discovered inside Cornwall henge; Historic royal shipwreck found off Norfolk coast; Anglo-Saxon cemetery found in Buckinghamshire; Burials uncovered at Leicester Cathedral; Glasgow’s 1988 ‘Garden Festival’ rediscovered; Science Notes; Bronze Age spearhead found near Cirencester; Finds Tray 14 SPECIAL REPORT On the edge of empire: exploring indigenous experiences on the Roman frontier 18 COMMENT Joe Flatman excavates the CA archive 20 CONTEXT At fi st l ght o ell a hesh e 60 56 62 66 20 CULTURE 56 REVIEWS Territoriality and the Early Medieval Landscape: the countryside of the East Saxon Kingdom; The RomanoBritish Villa and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eccles, Kent; Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside; Warrior Treasure: the Staffordshire Hoard in Anglo-Saxon England; Buried: an alternative history of the first millennium in Britain; Scenes from Prehistoric Life: from the Ice Age to the coming of the Romans 60 MUSEUM The Florence Nightingale Museum, London 61 MUSEUM NEWS The latest on acquisitions, exhibitions, and key decisions 62 FESTIVAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY A selection of events, activities, and digital resources running as part of the Festival of Archaeology this July 64 SHERDS Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS CAER Heritage ON THE COVER The wreck of HMS Invincible, an 18th- century warship. CREDIT: Michael Pitts, 3 8 9 A u g u s t Issue 389 ❙ August 2022 ❙ £5.95 THE UK’S BEST-SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE H M S C i s s b u r y R i n g C o n s e r v i n g C a n t e r b u r y B u t s e r A n c i e n t F a r m a t 5 0 S o c i e t y o f A n t i q u a r i e s HMS InvincibleHMSInvincibleExcavating a Georgian time capsule Excavating a Georgian ava xcavating a Georgian avating a Georgia timetime capsulecapsule Excavating a Georgian time capsule PLUS 50 years at Butser Ancient Farm ❙ Indigenous life on the Roman frontier N e o l i t h i c fl i n t mines in the digital age ❙ .95 £5 ❙ 389 Issue ISSUE 389 Current Archaeology 5



(Vol. XXXIII, No. 5) ❙ August 2022




Excavating a Georgian time capsule Archaeological investigations of the wreck of HMS Invincible, which sank off Portsmouth in 1758, have revealed hat l fe as l e o boa o e of the fi est warships in the Georgian Royal Navy, and one of the best-preserved ships of its kind in UK waters. Now the story of Invincible’s loss, rediscovery, and excavation is being retold at The Historic Dockyard Chatham. 30 CISSBURY RING

Neolithic flint-mines in the digital age Excavations at Cissbury Ring hillfort, carried out in the s t a sfo e o e sta g of eol th tmining. Seventy years on, an innovative new interpretive trail has been launched at the West Sussex landmark, which is also home to a number of Bronze Age barrows a o a o t sh fiel s as ell as traces of Tudor and Second World War defence systems. 34 LESSONS FROM CANTERBURY

Saving heritage with new approaches to urban development Canterbury’s streets, buildings, and views are under threat from the scale of new buildings proposed for the city centre. CA reports on a manifesto published by SAVE Britain’s Heritage, which recommends a more historically sympathetic approach to urban development.


Celebrating half a century of experimental archaeology Butser Ancient Farm in Hampshire is marking its 50th birthday this year, offering an opportunity to look back over half a century of the site’s pioneering experimental archaeology and public educational work, and to share the memories of those who have contributed to the site’s development over the years. 52 TRAVELLERS FROM

AN ANTIQUE LAND Exploring the collections of the Society of Antiquaries of London With the Society of Antiquaries of London launching a e affil ate e be sh to a e ts olle t o s o e accessible to the public, we visited Burlington House to learn more about its eclectic holdings and more than three centuries of antiquarian activity.




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