Gorgeous knitting, crochet & embroidery supplies
& handmade treasure
Cover: Originator & Stylist, Maria Kvitka; Photographer, Dmytro Komissarenko; Scientific Consultants, Lyudmila Sivtseva-Klymuk, Oleksandra Storchai; Makeup, Kateryna Kaverzina; Models, L-Models Agency Clothing provided by private collectors. Special thanks to Valery & Oksana Afanasyev & Vladislav & Lyudmila Chabanyuk, The project was created with the support of the Zagoriy Family Foundation. Publisher—Selvedge Ltd, 14 Milton Park, Highgate, London, N6 5QA, T: +44 7723 465522 / www.selvedge.org Founder–Polly Leonard / editor@selvedge.org Events Director–Catherine Harris / events@selvedge.org Marketing Manager–Marina Herriges / media@selvedge.org Customer Service–Hester Thorp / customerservice@selvedge.org Orders–Minna Stubbina / orders@selvedge.org Copy Editor–Kate Cavendish Selvedge (ISSN No: 1742-254X, USPS No: 21430) is published bi-monthly–January, March, May, July, September & November–by Selvedge Ltd, UK and is distributed in the USA by RRD/Spatial, 1250 Valley Brook Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071. Periodical postage paid at South Hackensack, NJ 07606. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Selvedge, c/o RRD, 1250 Valley Brook Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071. Registered Office 14 Milton Park, Highgate, London, N65QA. Copyright Selvedge Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. The editor reserves the right to edit, shorten or modify any material submitted. The editor’s decision on all printed material is final. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Selvedge magazine, Selvedge Ltd or the editor. Unsolicited material will be considered but cannot be returned. Printing: Stephens & George. Colour Origination: The Logical Choice. Distribution: Spatial Mail. Postmaster send address corrections to Selvedge Magazine, Spatial House, Willow Farm Business Park, Castle Donnington, Derby, DE74 2TW. Subscription rates for one year (6 issues): Paper Magazine, UK £75, Europe £100, USA & Rest of World £120.