VOLUME 69 NO 3 Autumn 2022
1 Naoroji Street, London WC1X 0GB
Tel: 020 3925 3440 info@rsb.org.uk; www.rsb.org.uk
Editor Tom Ireland MRSB, tom.ireland@rsb.org.uk
Editorial assistant Emma Wrake AMRSB, emma.wrake@rsb.org.uk
Chair of the Editorial Board
Professor Dan Davis FRSB,
Imperial College London
Editorial Board
Professor Matthew Cobb FRSB,
The University of Manchester Dr Anthony Flemming FRSB, Syngenta
Professor Adam Hart FRSB, University of Gloucestershire Dr Sarah Maddocks CBiol MRSB,
Cardiff Met University Dr Esther Odenkule MRSB, GSK Professor Shaun D Pattinson FRSB,
Durham University
Dr James Poulter MRSB, University of Leeds
Professor Diane Purchase FRSB,
Middlesex University Dr Natasha de Vere, National Botanical Garden of Wales
Membership enquiries
Tel: 020 3925 3441; membership@rsb.org.uk
Subscription enquiries Tel: 020 3925 3464; info@rsb.org.uk
The Biologist is produced on behalf of the
Royal Society of Biology by
Think Media Group, 20 Mortimer Street,
London W1T 3JW www.thinkpublishing.co.uk;
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Printed by Full Spectrum, Basildon
Senior designer
Juanita Adu Production editor
Sian Campbell
Sub editor Kirsty Fortune Group account director
John Innes, john.innes@thinkpublishing.co.uk
ISSN 0006-3347
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For advertising information contact tom.ireland@rsb.org.uk; 020 3925 3464
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Cover: Shutterstock
ON THE COVER 16 The science of hidden animals What is cryptozoology, and is it useful to science?
30 Amphibious vehicles Why toads cross roads and how to save them ibrar y
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8 Digital dilemma Can negotiators solve the impasse over digital DNA data before COP15?
22 Stem cells in orbit The unique conditions in space are accelerating vital research
CONNECT WITH US Have an idea for an article or interested in writing for us?
tom.ireland@rsb.org.uk facebook.com/ RoyalSocBio thebiologist.rsb.org.uk
@RoyalSocBio www.youtube.com/ royalsocbio
UP FRONT 04 Society news RSB launches summer school lab; Fellows honoured, plus Biology Week 2022
08 Policy analysis: DSI Untangling the dispute over digital sequence information
10 Policy news Gene-editing bill discussed; RSB calls for Horizon funding; pig-human transplants closer
FEATURES 12 Champion of science Meet the Society’s new president, Professor Sir Ian Boyd
16 Here be monsters Zoologist and author Darren Naish on his interest in cryptids and cryptozoology
22 Celestial science Growing stem cells in space is furthering our understanding of disease progression
26 The problem with gene drives An exclusive extract from Matthew Cobb’s new book, The Genetic Age
30 Toads in the road The citizen science projects saving spawning toads
REGULARS 34 Members 38 Book reviews 43 Obituary 44 Branches 47 Crossword 48 Biochemical colouring page Clathrin-coated pit
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