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PHOTO: ALAMY/SALLY ANDERSON NEWS Singer Barbara Dickson says a ‘Hail Mary’ every night before she goes on stage 10 COLUMNS Christopher Howse’s Notebook ‘I changed to a room with a horse chestnut outside, which didn’t even rustle in the wind’ / 5 Madoc Cairns ‘The incipient collapse of the UK economy … extracts barely a peep from bishops’ / 9 CONTENTS 5 NOVEMBER 2022 // VOL 276 NO. 9476 FEATURES 4 / Crisis? What crisis? The roots of the United Kingdom’s current muddle lie deep in imperial history. Britain must alter the way it is governed if it is to survive / BY NICOLAS BOYLE 6 / Dancing with the devil As the November midterms approach in the US, the Democrats may have misjudged the issues that most concern voters / BY MICHAEL SEAN WINTERS 8 / The tangled roots of abuse A government inquiry has laid bare the life-long impact of child abuse. Is it now time to invest more resources into prevention? / BY GWEN ADSHEAD 10 / The Tablet Interview: Barbara Dickson Scotland’s best-selling female singer and actress says that her life has always been infused by faith / BY PETER STANFORD 12 / Unauthorised versions There are more different translations of the Bible in English than in any other language, and all are the creation of fallible scholars / BY JOHN BARTON REGULARS Word from the Cloisters 15 Puzzles 15 Letters 16 The Living Spirit 17 NEWS 24 / The Church in the World / News briefing 25 / ‘Address women’s role in Church life’ 27 / View from Rome 28 / News from Britain and Ireland / News briefing 29 / Cause opens for World War I hero, Fr Willie Doyle COVER: STEPHEN REID; ALAMY/RAGGEDSTONE BOOKS / PAGE 18 Anne Chisholm A Private Spy: The Letters of John le Carré ED. TIM CORNWELL The Secret Heart: John le Carré, an Intimate Memoir SULEIKA DAWSON Bruce Clark After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris between the Wars HELEN RAPPAPORT Guy Stagg The Posthumous Papers of the Manuscripts Club CHRISTOPHER DE HAMEL ARTS / PAGE 21 Exhibition The Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots JOANNA MOORHEAD Theatre Mary MARK LAWSON Cinema Living ISABELLE GREY Music Mahler Symphony No. 8; An Anatomy of Melancholy ALEXANDRA COGHLAN For more features, news, analysis and comment, visit 5 NOVEMBER 2022 | THE TABLET | 3


Singer Barbara Dickson says a ‘Hail Mary’ every night before she goes on stage 10


Christopher Howse’s Notebook ‘I changed to a room with a horse chestnut outside, which didn’t even rustle in the wind’ / 5

Madoc Cairns ‘The incipient collapse of the UK economy … extracts barely a peep from bishops’ / 9

CONTENTS 5 NOVEMBER 2022 // VOL 276 NO. 9476


4 / Crisis? What crisis? The roots of the United Kingdom’s current muddle lie deep in imperial history.

Britain must alter the way it is governed if it is to survive / BY NICOLAS BOYLE

6 / Dancing with the devil As the November midterms approach in the US, the Democrats may have misjudged the issues that most concern voters / BY MICHAEL SEAN WINTERS

8 / The tangled roots of abuse A government inquiry has laid bare the life-long impact of child abuse. Is it now time to invest more resources into prevention? / BY GWEN ADSHEAD

10 / The Tablet Interview: Barbara Dickson Scotland’s best-selling female singer and actress says that her life has always been infused by faith / BY PETER STANFORD

12 / Unauthorised versions There are more different translations of the Bible in English than in any other language, and all are the creation of fallible scholars / BY JOHN BARTON

REGULARS Word from the Cloisters 15 Puzzles 15 Letters 16 The Living Spirit 17


24 / The Church in the World / News briefing

25 / ‘Address women’s role in Church life’

27 / View from Rome 28 / News from Britain and Ireland / News briefing 29 / Cause opens for World War I hero, Fr Willie Doyle



Anne Chisholm A Private Spy: The Letters of John le Carré ED. TIM CORNWELL The Secret Heart: John le Carré, an Intimate Memoir SULEIKA DAWSON Bruce Clark After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris between the Wars HELEN RAPPAPORT Guy Stagg The Posthumous Papers of the Manuscripts Club CHRISTOPHER DE HAMEL

ARTS / PAGE 21 Exhibition The Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots JOANNA MOORHEAD Theatre Mary MARK LAWSON Cinema Living ISABELLE GREY Music Mahler Symphony No. 8; An Anatomy of Melancholy ALEXANDRA COGHLAN

For more features, news, analysis and comment, visit


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