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The entrancing Siberian jays of northern Eurasia 72 Jan.BBC Wildlife No. 01 Vol. 41 THE COVER This month’s composite cover celebrates 60 years since the magazine was first published in 1963 under the title Animals. Clockwise from left, it features the following British species: weasel, razorbill, pasqueflower, kestrel, shrill carder bee, puffin, purple emperor butterfly, red squirrel and bottlenose dolphin. Every month, only in BBC Wildlife NICK BAKER Learn about the larvae that can survive without oxygen for six weeks, with our lively naturalist P.38 GILLIAN BURKE “Seals are terrified of us, so we really need to give them a wide berth and enjoy them from a distance” P.1 7 MARK CARWARDINE “I was dancing around my office when I heard Jair Bolsonaro was no longer president of Brazil” P.31 BBC WILDLIFE January 2023 6 LUCY COOKE The ‘lesbian’ Laysan albatrosses that pair up with the same sex to raise a clutch of eggs P.27 MIKE DILGER From distinctive tracks to wallows and rooted pasture and verges, Mike reveals how to spot wild boar P.34
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YEARS60 C O M M O N S I V E / C R E AT . O R G / P H YS I S DAV : L LOY D ; E G G S N H U : B B C F OX ; F E N N E C . C O M / N AT U R E P L : JA B R U S O N ; E L E P H A N T I T S M I A N : F LO R JAY I A N I B E R S 08 Wild Times Catch up with all the latest developments and discoveries making headlines 34 Foraging wild boar Mike Dilger sets the challenge of seeing a wild boar this winter, or at least their tell-tale signs 38 Hidden Britain Nick Baker on the pond olive – a mayfly larva that thrives during frozen winters using a handy metabolic trick 42 60 favourite wildlife hotspots We are celebrating our 60th anniversary with a special round-up of UK locations. Find out how to vote for your favourite! 72 Stunning Siberian jay photos Magical images of this intelligent, forest-dwelling bird, from German photographer Florian Smit 82 Saving seagrass in Ibiza Read about the super-plant of the Mediterranean Sea and one man’s mission to protect it 90 Elephant-friendly farming How growing crops that are less appetising to elephants could prevent conflict with farmers DON’T MISS... ...the little-known penguins that lay one and a half eggs – and then brood just one Page 14 90 Keeping Kenya’s hungry elephants from harm Discover MORE D co Fennec foxes star in a new BBC Two series p106 100 Q&A Can bumblebees play? 106 Go Wild Chris Packham presents a new BBC documentary on wild canids 109 ID Guide How to find a few treasures for the nature table 115 Crossword Plus Spot the Difference 116 Photo Club This month’s competition 120 Your Letters Join the debate 122 Tales from the Bush One young man’s close encounter on a night dive BBC WILDLIFE 7

The entrancing Siberian jays of northern Eurasia 72 Jan.BBC Wildlife No. 01 Vol. 41

THE COVER This month’s composite cover celebrates 60 years since the magazine was first published in 1963 under the title Animals. Clockwise from left, it features the following British species: weasel, razorbill, pasqueflower, kestrel, shrill carder bee, puffin, purple emperor butterfly, red squirrel and bottlenose dolphin.

Every month, only in BBC Wildlife


Learn about the larvae that can survive without oxygen for six weeks, with our lively naturalist P.38


“Seals are terrified of us, so we really need to give them a wide berth and enjoy them from a distance” P.1 7


“I was dancing around my office when I heard Jair Bolsonaro was no longer president of Brazil” P.31

BBC WILDLIFE January 2023 6


The ‘lesbian’ Laysan albatrosses that pair up with the same sex to raise a clutch of eggs P.27


From distinctive tracks to wallows and rooted pasture and verges, Mike reveals how to spot wild boar P.34

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