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Reasons to be cheerful! As I write, inflation remains above 10%, interest rates have just increased by a further 0.5% to a 14 year high, the country is paralysed with strikes from every direction, the economy is once more on the verge of a recession - and it’s freezing outside! Few of us are immune from the current raft of trials and tribulations, but even in all this gloom, life goes on and there remains lot of things to enjoy and celebrate. Which is where Edinburgh Life comes in. For our motto is to ‘celebrate the finer aspects of life in Edinburgh and the Lothians’ and as usual we’ve worked hard to put together an issue that is informative, entertaining and uplifting. In this issue you can read about: Edinburgh’s Lord Provost Lampposts – in plain sight, but often overlooked; the Auld Reekie Retold exhibition at the City Art Centre - which will stir a few memories; the successes of both Linlithgow and North Berwick at the recent RHS Britain in Bloom Awards, and the work now being undertaken to renovate historic Rosslyn Castle. Hopefully, you’ll be entertained with our round-up of good news in About the City, our coverage of places to eat and drink and things to do and enjoy during these dark days of winter. And what could be more uplifting than the story of Duncan Napier, who overcame disadvantage to become a leading light in herbal medicine. Or Edinburgh Award recipient Sir Geoff Palmer’s rise to the top of his chosen field through sheer hard work and dedication. Or the tireless work of the ex-services men and women who make 3 million poppies every year at Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory. So, something for everyone to enjoy as we wait for normal service to resume around the country. Happy New Year! Peter Bourhill Editor Publisher/Editor Features Illustrators Peter Bourhill 07850 938407 John Burnett Lydia Bourhill Harriet Bourhill Contributors Eric Melvin Ian Gardner Libby Morris Donna White Circulation Social Media William Allison Lydia Bourhill Harriet Bourhill Design Alasdair Anderson Contributing Photographers Doug Corrance Don Munro Front Cover: George Square Gardens £3.00 January/February 2023 EdinburghLife www.edinburghlifemagazine.comand the Lothians Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory Linlithgow & North Berwick both RHS Britain in Bloom winners Lord Provost Lampposts The Edinburgh Award Winter in George Square Rosslyn Castle restoration project Duncan Napier Edinburgh’s famous herbalist Auld Reekie Retold at City Art Centre Good News round-up S o c i e t y E a t i n g o u t Residential Property EdinburghLife PO Box 28948 Gorebridge EH22 9BD Tel. 01875 825555 or 07850 938407 ©Lowther Publishing Ltd All rights reserved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. While every care is taken, prices and details are subject to change and the publisher can take no responsibility for omissions or errors. No responsibility is taken for unsolicited submissions or the return of submitted items. What’s On edinburghlifemag Follow us on social media at edlifemagazine edinburghlife This page: View from Calton Hill of the Burns Monument (below) and a snowy Arthur’s Seat beyond Back page: First signs of spring in East Princes Street Gardens January/February 2023 EdinburghLife 1

Reasons to be cheerful! As I write, inflation remains above 10%, interest rates have just increased by a further 0.5% to a 14 year high, the country is paralysed with strikes from every direction, the economy is once more on the verge of a recession - and it’s freezing outside! Few of us are immune from the current raft of trials and tribulations, but even in all this gloom, life goes on and there remains lot of things to enjoy and celebrate. Which is where Edinburgh Life comes in. For our motto is to ‘celebrate the finer aspects of life in Edinburgh and the Lothians’ and as usual we’ve worked hard to put together an issue that is informative, entertaining and uplifting. In this issue you can read about: Edinburgh’s Lord Provost Lampposts – in plain sight, but often overlooked; the Auld Reekie Retold exhibition at the City Art Centre - which will stir a few memories; the successes of both Linlithgow and North Berwick at the recent RHS Britain in Bloom Awards, and the work now being undertaken to renovate historic Rosslyn Castle. Hopefully, you’ll be entertained with our round-up of good news in About the City, our coverage of places to eat and drink and things to do and enjoy during these dark days of winter. And what could be more uplifting than the story of Duncan Napier, who overcame disadvantage to become a leading light in herbal medicine. Or Edinburgh Award recipient Sir Geoff Palmer’s rise to the top of his chosen field through sheer hard work and dedication. Or the tireless work of the ex-services men and women who make 3 million poppies every year at Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory. So, something for everyone to enjoy as we wait for normal service to resume around the country. Happy New Year! Peter Bourhill Editor


Features Illustrators

Peter Bourhill 07850 938407 John Burnett

Lydia Bourhill Harriet Bourhill


Eric Melvin Ian Gardner Libby Morris Donna White

Circulation Social Media

William Allison Lydia Bourhill Harriet Bourhill


Alasdair Anderson

Contributing Photographers

Doug Corrance Don Munro

Front Cover: George Square Gardens

£3.00 January/February 2023 EdinburghLife www.edinburghlifemagazine.comand the Lothians

Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory Linlithgow & North Berwick both RHS Britain in Bloom winners

Lord Provost Lampposts

The Edinburgh Award

Winter in George Square

Rosslyn Castle restoration project

Duncan Napier Edinburgh’s famous herbalist Auld Reekie Retold at City Art Centre

Good News round-up

S o c i e t y

E a t i n g o u t

Residential Property

EdinburghLife PO Box 28948 Gorebridge EH22 9BD Tel. 01875 825555 or 07850 938407 ©Lowther Publishing Ltd All rights reserved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. While every care is taken, prices and details are subject to change and the publisher can take no responsibility for omissions or errors. No responsibility is taken for unsolicited submissions or the return of submitted items.

What’s On edinburghlifemag Follow us on social media at edlifemagazine edinburghlife

This page: View from Calton Hill of the Burns Monument (below) and a snowy Arthur’s Seat beyond Back page: First signs of spring in East Princes Street Gardens

January/February 2023 EdinburghLife 1

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