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A tribute to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
A Pope’s Tribute
A Pope’s Tribute
And speaking of kindness, at this moment, my thought naturally goes to dear Pope emeritus Benedict XVI who left us this morning. We are moved as we recall
him as such a noble person, so kind. And we feel such gratitude in our hearts: gratitude to God for having g given him to the Church and to the world; gratitude to him for all the good he accomplished, and above all, for his witness of faith and prayer, especially in these last years of his recollected life. Only God knows the value and the power of his intercession, of the sacrifices he offered for the good of the Church.
Env Fam The Holy
Fo Environment Family The Holy SpiritJesus Love
A6 Booklet
Pope Francis 31 December 2022
Pope Francis 31 December 2022 Pope Francis 31 December 2022 Pope Francis 31 December 2022 Pope Francis 31 December 2022
F o w Ma roo line not push me, in or sty these c the disc that was knowledglearning t There wer There wer he appoint evening. O on the grou And why? “M record the pro he was alread I was far more of Joseph, for a
Preface I had the joy and privilege of I had the joy and privilege of serving for ten years on the Pontifical all his musicianship.
Biblical Commission under the leadership of Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith before he became Pope. The joy was that he treated each one of us ashis personal friend, welcoming us at each annual session with real, unaffected warmth. He also acted as host to us in Santa
Marta, going round in the coffee breaks and asking whether our om was comfortable, whether we had enough blankets, clean en and other household details. In the formal meetings he did preside, but preferred to sit listening carefully. He did not h himself forward and on at least one occasion deferred to insisting that I should speak first. If the discussion stalled ymied he could be persuaded to make an intervention, and contributions would often solve the problem by taking scussion to another level, going deeper than the problem as blocking progress. It was here that his depth of biblical dge (to us biblicists!) and his breadth of theological serving for ten years on the Pontifical threw new light on complicated issues. re also moments of re also moments of hilarity, as when, late one afternoon,
nted a sub-commission to look into a matter that
One of the three nominated, a Spaniard, demurred unds that he simply could not manage that evening.
“Madrid is playing Bilbao.” The Cardinal offered to rogramme and the difficulty was solved. Later, when dy Pope and I led the singing at our papal Mass,
e in awe of his brother Georg, a Kappelmeister, than hilarity, as when, late one afternoon,
Dom Henry Wansbro Ampleforth Abbey. A Editor of the
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB is a renowned English biblical scholar and monk of
Ampleforth Abbey. Among his remarkable academic experiences, he was General
Editor of the New Jerusalem Bible and the Revised New Jerusalem Bible.
Pope Benedict XVI Behind the scenes Joseph Ratzinger’s life did not begin on 19 April 2005, when the Conclave elected him to become Pope Benedict XVI. Like all of us, his life story was a uniquely personal journey from his birth until his death on 31 December 2022. The theologian Pope, the first in 600 years to resign his papal office, encountered innumerable people and, in one way or another, touched countless lives. This book presents some aspects of the background story of Benedict XVI, as offered by individuals who, to some extent, remained behind the scenes whilst, as Pope, he necessarily stood on centre stage.
Code: 1924 ISBN: 97808523158 Cod 780878085231587380 N: 978 SBN: 978 85231 4 4 IS 4 4 1924 IS IS ode: 1 C 58 924 4 191924 ISBN: 97808 1 78787878080808
Price: £9.9595 e: £ e: £ : £9.95 Price: £9 P e: £9 P : £9.95 e:e: : £ £9£
Thoughts from the Pen of a Pope How could any booklet do justice to the words of Pope Benedict XVI? As Pope, he wrote sixty-six books, three encyclicals and four apostolic exhortations, greeted millions of people, made twenty-four Apostolic Voyages outside Italy and many inside Italy. Between becoming Pope in 2005 and his resignation in 2013, he spoke many hundreds of times – live and through the media – to a huge range of gatherings inside and outside the Vatican. Thoughts from the Pen of a Pope takes some of the many reflections of a theologian Pope and offers them as a tribute to the “humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord”.
Code: 1923 ISBN: 9780852315606
Price: £4.95
Compiled by Janet Fearns FMDM Sr Janet Fearns acted as a Vatican Radio correspondent for the English Africa Service from 1999 to 2003 and was a member of staff for the English Programme from 2004 until the end of 2007.
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