Editorial Board
Tom McEwan Principal Educator (Midwifer y), NHS Education for Scotland
Sadie Geraghty Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Jacque Gerrard MBE Former Director, RCM England
Catherine Hamilton Principal Lecturer; Assistant Associate Dean Academic Quality Practice Enhancement and Professional Lead Midwifer y/Lead Midwife Education, University of Her tfordshire
Eve Powell Student Midwife, Cardiff University
Alison Power Senior Lecturer in Midwifer y, Faculty Lead for Interprofessional Learning, Education and Collaboration, University of Nor thampton
Janine Stockdale Lecturer in Midwifer y Education at Queen’s University Belfast
Claire Leader Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, Depar tment of Nursing, Midwifer y and Health, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Nor thumbria
Ellen Kitson-Reynolds Director of Programmes: Nursing and Midwifer y, Midwifer y Programme Manager, Principle Teaching Fellow: Health Sciences, University of Southampton td
Healthcare L
2023 MA
The British Journal of Midwifer y aims to provide midwives, students and maternity ser vices professionals with accessible, original clinical practice and research ar ticles, while also providing summaries of high-quality research evidence, promoting evidence-based practice.
090 research
Episiotomy consent in Iran
February 2023 Volume 31 Number 2
Professional 099 Pre-registration midwifery education:
adaptating infant feeding observed simulated clinical examinations Carolyn Moorhead, Dr Lorna Lawther, Dr Felicity Agwu Kalu
104 Service user and carer involvement in online Interprofessional learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Tracy Coleman, Amber Bennett-Weston, Michael Sy, Jane Greaves, Elizabeth S Anderson
Comment 112 Midwifery care and social media
Rachelle Chee, Tanya S Capper, Olav T Muurlink
116 The ethics of assisted reproduction
George F Winter
Editoria l 065 Equality in the workplace for midwives
Suzannah Allkins
Research 066 Students stand at the door:
exploring views on professionalism in midwifery spaces Moira Lewitt, Thomas McEwan
074 Sustainability of Entonox in obstetrics:
a qualitative study Catherine Kelly, Pavan Raju, Tim Smith, Evridriki Fioratou
082 Investigating antenatal pelvic floor training using a vaginal balloon device in Czech women Karel Fousek, Katerina Mrkvova, Tereza Branna, Marek Ozana
090 Iranian women’s experiences of the episiotomy consent process: a qualitative study Malihe Ghiasvand, Fatemeh Nahidi, Sedigheh Sedigh Mobarakabadi, Hamid Alavi Majd
104 professional
Involving service users and carers in education
British Journal of Midwifer y, Februar y 2023, Vol 31, No 2