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28 CONTENTS 2929 = on the cover C N A S A /J P L- : PA G E I S T H , I M A G E S I S T O C K /G E T T Y I E P R O/ 4 S C I M A G E S X I S T O C K /G E T T Y A L E X A L D O/ : I M A G E C O V E R , E S A , I O T O S T U D @ T H E S H E D _ P H O , L I B R A R Y T O P H O I E N C E M Y E R S/S C WA LT E R , G A R Y PA L M E R , I/M S S S C A LT E C H/S W R . C O M I D E B E R N H A R D H U B L /C C D G U , I M A G E S I S T O C K /G E T T Y L A R S E V E N / S O , I S H M A R K PA R R FeaturesFeatures Features 28 JUICE takes flight C The flagship mission sets off for Jupiter’s frozen moons this month 34 Mercury returns to twilight C The tiniest planet is back! We show you how to spot it 40 Cosmology crash course C As our series continues, we ask: does the Universe have an edge? 60 The new space age C We report from the international conference on all things space 66 Imaging with C multi-band filters Our verdict on eight filters that claim to combat light pollution Regulars 6 Eye on the sky 11 Bulletin 16 Cutting edge 18 Inside The Sky at Night 20 Interactive 23 What’s on 25 Field of view 26 Subscribe to BBC Sky at Night Magazine 72 Explainer 74 DIY astronomy 98 Q&A: a black hole physicist C Astrophotography 76 Capture 78 Processing 80 Gallery Reviews 86 Explore Scientific G400 15x56 roof prism binoculars 90 Serif Affinity Photo 2 software 94 Books 96 Gear C 16 -PAGE CENTRE PULLOUT The Sky Guide 44 Highlights 46 The big three 48 The planets 50 April’s all-sky chart 52 Moonwatch 53 Comets and asteroids 53 Star of the month 54 Binocular tour 55 The Sky Guide challenge 56 Deep-sky tour 58 April at a glance 4 BBC Sk y at Night Magazine April 2023
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New to astronomy? To get started, check out our guides and glossary at 66 Extra content ONLINE Visit www.skyatnightmagazine. com/bonus-content/9BN84GZ to access this month’s selection of exclusive Bonus Content APRIL HIGHLIGHTS Black holes and bending spacetime Luciano Rezzolla discusses the mind- blowing properties of gravity and his quest to understand black holes 34 86 60 74 This month’s contributors Will Gater Astronomy exper t “It’ll be a while before JUICE arrives at Jupiter, but I genuinely can’t wait to see what the mission has to tell us about the incredible icy worlds that orbit the giant of our Solar System”. Read more about JUICE, page 28 Charlotte Daniel s Practical astonomer “O f toverlooked, Mercury will be a great target to observe in the evening twilight in April. I’m looking forward to exploring the inner planet this month.” Charlotte reveals how to make the most of Mercury, page 34 Shaoni Bhattachar ya Science journalist “The number of satellites going into space in the near future is staggering, and this was a topic of great discussion at the Abu Dhabi Space Debate.” Hear more about the international debate, page 60 Download automated telescope software Slew your telescope instantly to each target in this month’s Deep-Sky Tour with our selection of automated software. Access ex tra observing materials Download and print out forms that you can use to sketch and record your planetary observations throughout 2023. The Vir tual Planetarium Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel guide us through the best sights to see in the night sky this month. April 2023 BBC Sk y at Night Magazine 5

New to astronomy? To get started, check out our guides and glossary at


Extra content ONLINE Visit www.skyatnightmagazine. com/bonus-content/9BN84GZ to access this month’s selection of exclusive Bonus Content


Black holes and bending spacetime

Luciano Rezzolla discusses the mind- blowing properties of gravity and his quest to understand black holes





This month’s contributors

Will Gater Astronomy exper t

“It’ll be a while before JUICE arrives at Jupiter, but I genuinely can’t wait to see what the mission has to tell us about the incredible icy worlds that orbit the giant of our Solar System”. Read more about JUICE, page 28

Charlotte Daniel s Practical astonomer

“O f toverlooked, Mercury will be a great target to observe in the evening twilight in April. I’m looking forward to exploring the inner planet this month.” Charlotte reveals how to make the most of Mercury, page 34

Shaoni Bhattachar ya

Science journalist

“The number of satellites going into space in the near future is staggering, and this was a topic of great discussion at the Abu Dhabi Space Debate.” Hear more about the international debate, page 60

Download automated telescope software Slew your telescope instantly to each target in this month’s Deep-Sky Tour with our selection of automated software.

Access ex tra observing materials

Download and print out forms that you can use to sketch and record your planetary observations throughout 2023.

The Vir tual Planetarium

Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel guide us through the best sights to see in the night sky this month.

April 2023 BBC Sk y at Night Magazine 5

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