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Visit for the very latest from the music world Contents APRIL 2023 April Radio 3 and TV listings See p100 FEATURES 28 Cover: Sergei Rachmaninov On the 150th anniversary of the composer’s birth, today’s performers explain his genius to Andrew Green 40 East meets west The Clarion Choir is marking Rachmaninov 150 by recording all his choral works, discovers Charlotte Smith 44 Compulsively driven Ste ve Wr ight on the unlikely obsessions of the great composers, from trainspotting to fear of the number 23 48 Call of the Nile Claire Jackson explores how Eg ypt and its rich history have inspired a wealth of music across the centuries 52 An orchestral odyssey A dazzling new animated f ilm introducing the orchestra has caught the eyes and ears of To m S t e w a r t EVERY MONTH 8 Letters 12 The Full Score 27 Richard Morrison 36 The BBC Music Magazine Interview Pianist Kirill Gerstein tells Michael Church how it took some seriously stern words to put his career on track 58 Musical Destinations Charlotte Smith heads for the musical peaks of Gstaad 60 Composer of the Month Forging his own technique and tackling tough subjects have earned Steve Reich cult status, says Claire Jackson 64 Building a Library Daniel Jaffé on Rachmaninov’s All-Night Vigil (Vespers) 98 Live concert and opera highlights 100 Radio & TV listings 104 Crossword and Quiz 106 Music that Changed Me Pianist Leslie Howard I A I Z , M A R T I N K N , JA N E H O B S O N : G E T T Y, M A R C O B O R G G R E V E PA G E I S T H : G E T T Y C O V E R 28 The genius of Sergei Rachmaninov Subscriptions £64.87 (UK); £65 (Europe); £74 (Rest of World) ABC Reg No. 3122 EDITORIAL Plus our favourite Rachmaninov work Editor Charlotte Smith Cello Sonata in G minor Deputy editor Jeremy Pound Symphonic Dances Reviews editor Michael Beek Piano Concerto No. 2 Multi-platform content producer Ste ve Wr i g ht Symphony No. 2 Cover CD editor A l ic e Pea r son Vo c a l i s e Art editor Dav Ludford Picture editor Sarah Kennett Senior digital editor Debbie Graham Listings editor Pau l R i le y Piano Concerto No. 3 Than k s to Daniel Jaf fé, Jenny Price, Rebecca Franks, Hannah Nepilova MARKETING Subscriptions director Jacky Perales-Morris Direct marketing manager Kel l ie La ne Senior direct marketing executive Joe Jones ADVERTISING Advertising sales director Mark Reen +44 (0)117 300 8810 Group advertisement manager Laura Jones +44 (0)117 300 8509 Senior account manager Rebecca Yirrell +44 (0)117 300 8811 4 BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE
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36 Kirill Gerstein Apri l rev iews Your guide to the best new recordings and books Phantasm rethink works by JS Bach 48 Egypt in music Partnership manager Rebecca O’Connell +44 (0)117 300 8814 Brand sales executives Victoria Pointer +44 (0)117 300 8102 Jenny Allan +44 (0)117 300 8546 Inserts Laurence Robertson +353 876 902208 SYNDICATION & LICENSING Tim Hudson +44 (0)20 7150 5170 Richard Bentley +44 (0)20 7150 5168 PRODUCTION Production director Sa r a h Powel l Production coordinator Emily Mounter Ad coordinator Channing Lee Ad de s i g ner Camilla Owen Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch PUBLISHING Brand leader Rosa Sherwood Managing director A nd r ew Dav ie s Group managing director A ndy Marsha l l BBC STUDIOS, UK PUBLISHING Chair, editorial review boards Nichola s Bre t t Managing director, consumer products and licensing Stephen Dav ie s Director, magazines and consumer products Mandy Thwa i t e s Compliance manager Cameron McEwan UK publishing co-ordinator Eva Abram i k EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Jack Furness, Edward Blakeman, Chi-chi Nwanoku, Adam Barker, Philip Raperport This magazine is published by Our Media Company Bristol Limited under l icence from BBC Studios 68 Recording of the Month Johann Sebastian Bach The Well-Tempered Consor t III ‘This intensely moving and highly intimate music-making reduced me to tears on my first hearing’ 70 Orchestral 74 Concerto 78 Opera 80 Choral & Song 83 Chamber 86 Instrumental 91 Wor l d 92 Brief Notes 94 Books 95 Audio 96 From the Archive 97 Reviews Index Subscribe today to BBC Music Maga zine Save money on newsst a nd pr ices! See p10 for our fantastic of fer BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE 5

36 Kirill Gerstein

Apri l rev iews Your guide to the best new recordings and books

Phantasm rethink works by JS Bach

48 Egypt in music

Partnership manager Rebecca O’Connell +44 (0)117 300 8814 Brand sales executives Victoria Pointer +44 (0)117 300 8102 Jenny Allan +44 (0)117 300 8546 Inserts Laurence Robertson +353 876 902208 SYNDICATION & LICENSING Tim Hudson +44 (0)20 7150 5170 Richard Bentley +44 (0)20 7150 5168 PRODUCTION Production director Sa r a h Powel l Production coordinator Emily Mounter Ad coordinator Channing Lee Ad de s i g ner Camilla Owen Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch PUBLISHING Brand leader Rosa Sherwood Managing director A nd r ew Dav ie s

Group managing director A ndy Marsha l l BBC STUDIOS, UK PUBLISHING Chair, editorial review boards Nichola s Bre t t Managing director, consumer products and licensing Stephen Dav ie s Director, magazines and consumer products Mandy Thwa i t e s Compliance manager Cameron McEwan UK publishing co-ordinator Eva Abram i k EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Jack Furness, Edward Blakeman, Chi-chi Nwanoku, Adam Barker, Philip Raperport

This magazine is published by Our Media Company Bristol Limited under l icence from BBC Studios

68 Recording of the Month

Johann Sebastian Bach The Well-Tempered Consor t III ‘This intensely moving and highly intimate music-making reduced me to tears on my first hearing’

70 Orchestral 74 Concerto 78 Opera 80 Choral &

Song 83 Chamber 86 Instrumental 91 Wor l d

92 Brief Notes 94 Books 95 Audio 96 From the Archive 97 Reviews Index

Subscribe today to BBC Music Maga zine Save money on newsst a nd pr ices! See p10 for our fantastic of fer


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