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13 13 CONTENTS 8 UPFRONT 3 EDITOR’S LETTER 6 LETTERS Your comments, complaints, and compliments 8 NEWS The Colchester Vase re-examined; Iron Age comb made from human skull bone among A14 finds; Roman place of worship found under Leicester Cathedral; Work begins on reassembling the Newport ship; Unusual artefact from Vindolanda re-investigated; Science Notes; First residue analysis of a medieval stone cresset; Finds Tray 14 COMMENT Joe Flatman excavates the CA archive 16 CONTEXT Spring cleaning at Fishbourne Roman Palace 56 60 57 58 CULTURE 52 REVIEWS Winters in the World: a journey through the Anglo-Saxon year; 50 Finds from Somerset: objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme; The Emperor Nero’s Pottery and Tilery at Little London, Pamber, by Silchester, Hampshire: the excavations of 2017; The Coffin Roads: journeys to the West; Medieval Bridges of Southern England: 100 bridges, 1000 years; Treasures of Roman Yorkshire 56 MUSEUM NEWS The latest on acquisitions, exhibitions, and key decisions 57 EXHIBITION Stories of St James’s Burial Ground at St James’s Church, Piccadilly in London 58 CALENDAR Our selection of exhibitions and events, as well as historical, archaeological, and cultural resources from around the world that are still available online 60 CONFERENCE A round-up of what happened at CA Live! 2023 62 GO DIGGING! An array of upcoming archaeological opportunities 64 SHERDS Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS 3 9 8 M a y Wealden Iron Research Group ON THE COVER Monastic ruins on Skellig Michael. S k e l l i g M i c h a e l T h e S h r i n e THE UK’S BEST-SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE Skellig Michael Skellig Michael kellig Michael Skellig Michael Religious life at the edge of the world Religious life at the edge of the world eligious life at the edge of the world eligious life at the edge of the world ligious life at the edge of the world of fe d l h d h l l i i i eligious life at the edge of the wor eligious life at the edge of the world Religious life at the edge of the world o f CREDIT: © Photographic Archive, T h o m a s B e c k e t C i v i l W a r K i n g ’ s L y n n G o v a n O l d Issue 398 ❙ May 2023 ❙ £5.95 National Monuments Service, Government of Ireland PLUS Digs Guide 2023 The Gloucester: a royal wreck ❙ ❙ Civil War defences at King’s Lynn .95 £5 ❙ 398 Issue ISSUE 398 5






Your comments, complaints, and compliments


The Colchester Vase re-examined; Iron Age comb made from human skull bone among A14 finds; Roman place of worship found under Leicester Cathedral; Work begins on reassembling the Newport ship; Unusual artefact from Vindolanda re-investigated; Science Notes; First residue analysis of a medieval stone cresset; Finds Tray


Joe Flatman excavates the CA archive


Spring cleaning at Fishbourne Roman Palace






Winters in the World: a journey through the Anglo-Saxon year; 50 Finds from Somerset: objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme; The Emperor Nero’s Pottery and Tilery at Little London, Pamber, by Silchester, Hampshire: the excavations of 2017; The Coffin Roads: journeys to the West; Medieval Bridges of Southern England: 100 bridges, 1000 years; Treasures of Roman Yorkshire


The latest on acquisitions, exhibitions, and key decisions 57 EXHIBITION

Stories of St James’s Burial Ground at St James’s Church, Piccadilly in London 58 CALENDAR

Our selection of exhibitions and events, as well as historical, archaeological, and cultural resources from around the world that are still available online 60 CONFERENCE

A round-up of what happened at CA Live! 2023 62 GO DIGGING!

An array of upcoming archaeological opportunities 64 SHERDS

Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS

3 9 8

M a y

Wealden Iron Research Group

ON THE COVER Monastic ruins on

Skellig Michael.

S k e l l i g

M i c h a e l

T h e

S h r i n e


Skellig Michael Skellig Michael kellig Michael Skellig Michael

Religious life at the edge of the world Religious life at the edge of the world eligious life at the edge of the world eligious life at the edge of the world ligious life at the edge of the world of fe d l h d h l l i i i eligious life at the edge of the wor eligious life at the edge of the world Religious life at the edge of the world o f


© Photographic Archive,

T h o m a s

B e c k e t

C i v i l

W a r

K i n g ’ s L y n n

G o v a n

O l d

Issue 398 ❙ May 2023 ❙ £5.95

National Monuments Service, Government of Ireland

PLUS Digs Guide 2023

The Gloucester: a royal wreck ❙ ❙

Civil War defences at King’s Lynn







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