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CONTENTS REGULARS 06 EYE OPENER Incredible pictures that’ll change your view of the world. 12 CONVERSATION See what’s dropped into our inbox this month. 15 DISCOVERIES Volcanic activity spotted on Venus for the f irst time; neuroscientists map the ent i re br a in o f an ins ec t ; wild rats in New York are infected with COVID-19; revolutionary gene-editing technique restores vision in mice; compounds essential for life found on near-Earth asteroid; a good night’s sleep boosts effectiveness of vaccination; macaques create stone sha rds when making tools , jus t l ike ea r l y humans; a l l you need to know about the IPCC repor t ; new space sui t f or moonwalks revealed. 30 DR KATIE MACK Yes, every thing in physics is made up, but that’s okay! 50 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Save 40% on the shop price when you take out a subscription to BBC Science Focus! 32 DR DEAN BURNETT Why the weirdest dreams s eem to t a l l y normal when you’re snoozing. 34 DR KATE DARLING Should you trust an AI with your ment a l hea l t h? 36 REALITY CHECK The science behind the headlines: Why do poli t ic i ans want to make laughing gas illegal? Is testosterone a menopause wonder drug? Can positive affirmations improve your life? 43 INNOVATIONS The latest tech and gadgets tested. 75 Q & A Our experts answer this month’s questions. What is a dormant black hole? Why c an’ t robot s on Mars clean themselves? How incognito is incognito mode on your internet browser? 82 EXPLAINER Every thing you wanted to know about phobias. 88 CROSSWORD Engage your grey matter! 88 NEXT MONTH A sneak peek at the ne x t i s sue. 90 POPCORN SCIENCE Could we feel emotions like Mantis from Guardians Of The Galax y? 4 15 DISCOVERIES 36 REALITY CHECK For the f irst time, scientists have spotted hints of volcanic activity on our planetary neighbour. Why do politicians want to make laughing gas illegal, and how dangerous is it? 75 Q&A
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FEATURES 52 3 RULES BEHIND EVERY DIET T H AT WORKS Fed up with reading dodgy dieting advice online? We asked obesity expert Prof Giles Yeo to tell us what really works. 58 DOWN ON THE ROBOT FARM In some parts of the world, it ’s a struggle to recruit agricultural labourers to help with weeding, harvesting and ploughing. Could farmbots help meet the demands? 66 SET THE JUICE LOOSE This month, after many delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the JUICE spacecr a ft i s f ina l l y setting off on it s trip to Jupiter. It s mission? To explore the gas giant’s icy moons and f ind out if they’re suitable for life. 66 SET THE JUICE LOOSE WANT MORE? Don’t forget that BBC Science Focus i s av a i l able on a l l major dig i t a l plat f orms. We have ver s ions f or Android, a s well a s an iOS app f or t he iP ad and iPhone. C an’ t wait unt i l nex t month t o ge t your f i x o f s c ience and t ech? Our website i s packed wi t h news , a r t i c l e s and Q&A s t o keep your brain satisfied. INSTANT GENIUS Our bite-sized masterclass in podca s t f orm. F ind i t wherever you l i s t en t o your podca s t s . 48 IDEAS WE LIKE An elec t r ic piz z a oven t hat you c an use indoor s . 52 PROF GILES YEO “ANY FOODS OR SUPPLEMENTS THAT CLAIM TO HELP ‘DETOX’ YOUR BODY ARE RED FLAGS” LUNCHTIME GENIUS A DAILY DOSE OF MENTAL REFRESHMENT DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX Sign up to discover the latest news, v iew s and br eak t hroughs f r om the BBC Science Focus t eam newsletter 5




Incredible pictures that’ll change your view of the world.


See what’s dropped into our inbox this month.


Volcanic activity spotted on Venus for the f irst time; neuroscientists map the ent i re br a in o f an ins ec t ; wild rats in New York are infected with COVID-19; revolutionary gene-editing technique restores vision in mice; compounds essential for life found on near-Earth asteroid; a good night’s sleep boosts effectiveness of vaccination; macaques create stone sha rds when making tools , jus t l ike ea r l y humans; a l l you need to know about the IPCC repor t ; new space sui t f or moonwalks revealed.


Yes, every thing in physics is made up, but that’s okay!


Save 40% on the shop price when you take out a subscription to BBC Science Focus!


Why the weirdest dreams s eem to t a l l y normal when you’re snoozing.


Should you trust an AI with your ment a l hea l t h?


The science behind the headlines: Why do poli t ic i ans want to make laughing gas illegal? Is testosterone a menopause wonder drug? Can positive affirmations improve your life?


The latest tech and gadgets tested.

75 Q & A

Our experts answer this month’s questions. What is a dormant black hole? Why c an’ t robot s on Mars clean themselves? How incognito is incognito mode on your internet browser?


Every thing you wanted to know about phobias.


Engage your grey matter!


A sneak peek at the ne x t i s sue.


Could we feel emotions like Mantis from Guardians Of The Galax y?






For the f irst time, scientists have spotted hints of volcanic activity on our planetary neighbour.

Why do politicians want to make laughing gas illegal, and how dangerous is it?

75 Q&A

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