Pope Francis greets Martin Scorsese and his wife Helen Morris 27
Liz Dodd ‘The centres of power within our Church must learn to share’ / 9
REGULARS Word from the Cloisters 15 Puzzles 15 Letters 16 The Living Spirit 17
CONTENTS 3 JUNE 2023 // VOL. 277 NO. 9505
4 / America’s lost middle Whoever wins the US presidential election in 2024, the outcome will be social policies out of step with the views of most voters / BY MICHAEL SEAN WINTERS
6 / The shoes of the fisherman A gifted evangelist who hoped to open the Church to a generation hungry for beauty now finds himself preparing Catholics for a time of shrinkage / BY MADOC CAIRNS
10 / One fold, many gates Every journey along the path to finding God shows the excitement, variety and unexpectedness of life in the Holy Spirit / BY MAGGIE FERGUSSON
12 / Travelling our road again The Church is reiterating its early disavowals of the ‘doctrine of discovery’, which still survives in the US and Canadian legal system / BY MICHAEL W. HIGGINS
14 / Freedom to flourish
It feels rotten to incarcerate a free-ranging animal, but can it help to refocus their natural instincts and stimulate a better life? / BY AUSTEN IVEREIGH
24 / The Church in the World / News briefing 25 / Addis Ababa synod aims to reconcile Tigray through aid
27 / View from Rome 28 / News from Britain and Ireland / News briefing 29 / Theologian says Holy Spirit ‘is out there in the world’
ARTS / PAGE 18 Music Giant ALEXANDRA COGHLAN Exhibition Spirit of Fire NICHOLAS MURRAY Theatre Operation Mincemeat: A New Musical MARK LAWSON Cinema Mad About the Boy: The Noël Coward Story ISABELLE GREY
Robert Eaglestone Martin Heidegger’s Changing Destinies: Catholicism, Revolution, Nazism GUILLAUME PAYEN Chris Chivers Winnie and Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage JONNY STEINBERG Marcus Tanner Speed reading on the force of nature Julia Langdon Didn’t You Use To Be Chris Mullin? – Diaries 2010-2022 CHRIS MULLIN Lindsay Duguid The Imposters TOM RACHMAN
For more features, news, analysis and comment, visit
3 JUNE 2023 | THE TABLET | 3