Another new and developing colour group are jewel tones, including Pantone Red Bud 19-1850. These shades have a rich and luxurious quality that can add depth and sophistication to any composition. Their intense and saturated hues make them stand out and evokes a sense of opulence. Combining jewel tones with either pastels or hyper brights can produce captivating visual contrasts and unique effects. What makes these colours different is their blueness, as blue is a predominant colour in the digital sphere. Here even fiery tones have a cool edge. The blueness in these bright backlit colours adds an exciting and distinctive element to their overall appearance.
From youthful pastel tones to rich jewel hues, digital colours will play a major role for design going into 2024. Whether phygital retail or physical space, these colours connect to feelings of joy and inspiration, ultimately creating a connection between us, including the digital and physical worlds we occupy.
‘From youthful pastel tones to rich jewel hues, digital colours will play a major role for design going into 2024’
LEFT Pantone 18-1754 is a saturated magenta containing a deep blue
BELOW Artists such as Rick Rothenberg use intense digital colours in their work