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WELCOME M i c h a e l S a u e r / W i r e s t o c k C r e a t o r s / s t o c k . a d o b e . c o m HELLO I’ve just got back from a week in the Scottish Highlands where, even in late February, the roads were filled with campervans. I’m afraid campervanners are not the most popular visitors to the area, though, thanks largely to the antics of an ignorant few in the post lockdown years. Parking up outside houses on residential streets, leaving engines running into the night and sometimes even blocking driveways, is not the way to get you a warm welcome from the locals. On my recent visit, I drove along the side of Loch Ness and was reminded of the set-up I witnessed at a layby on the A82 a couple of summers ago. Two campervans had parked nose to tail and set up a barbecue, dining table and toilet tent! We can only speculate where the contents of the toilet cassette were dumped… I know Campervan readers would never behave so irresponsibly, but with Easter approaching and campsites starting to fill up again, I’d urge you to remind fellow ’vanners that we need to treat these beautiful places we all want to visit with respect. And that’s one of the messages I’ll be getting across when I speak at some of the Warners Shows this year – tickets are on sale for our 2024 events and all the details can be found on our website COVER Wild Goose SUP IAIN DUFF Editor Join the campervan community... share your pictures and stories campervan_mag campervan_mag campervanmag camper van Warners Group Publications plc The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH 01778 391000 Publisher Fleur Chivers Editorial Head of Content Daniel Attwood Editor Iain Duff 01778 392442 Road Test Editor Peter Vaughan Travel Editor Sophie Bromley-Rice Design Lisa Watson-Bailey Advertising Group Head of Advertising Fleur Chivers 01778 392071 Key Account Manager Zellah Stark 01778 392093 Media Sales Executive Emma Hill 01778 392057 Group Commercial Manager Ashleigh Chadwick 01778 392050 Media Account Manager Diana Pierre 01778 395019 Advertising Production & Design Kate Goulding, Viv Lane Marketing Brand Manager Lucie Cox 01778 395016 Distribution 01778 391171 How to subscribe Fully searchable digital library Digital edition with exclusive extras cpvnpocketmags Print subscriptions ☎ 01778 392019 © Warners Group Publications plc 2024 All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission. While we welcome writ ten enquiries we regret we cannot offer advice on a personal basis. While every care is taken with unsolicited material submitted for publication, we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any effect from errors or omissions. While every care is taken when accepting advertisements, we cannot take responsibility for unsatisfactory transactions. MAGAZINE&BROCHUREPRINTER WARNERS Midlands PLC This publication is printed by Warners Midlands PLC Telephone: 01778 391000 ■➨ APRIL 2024 ❚ 3


M i c h a e l

S a u e r / W i r e s t o c k

C r e a t o r s / s t o c k .

a d o b e .

c o m


I’ve just got back from a week in the Scottish Highlands where, even in late February, the roads were filled with campervans. I’m afraid campervanners are not the most popular visitors to the area, though, thanks largely to the antics of an ignorant few in the post lockdown years. Parking up outside houses on residential streets, leaving engines running into the night and sometimes even blocking driveways, is not the way to get you a warm welcome from the locals.

On my recent visit, I drove along the side of Loch Ness and was reminded of the set-up I witnessed at a layby on the A82 a couple of summers ago. Two campervans had parked nose to tail and set up a barbecue, dining table and toilet tent! We can only speculate where the contents of the toilet cassette were dumped…

I know Campervan readers would never behave so irresponsibly, but with Easter approaching and campsites starting to fill up again, I’d urge you to remind fellow ’vanners that we need to treat these beautiful places we all want to visit with respect.

And that’s one of the messages I’ll be getting across when I speak at some of the Warners Shows this year – tickets are on sale for our 2024 events and all the details can be found on our website

COVER Wild Goose SUP


Join the campervan community... share your pictures and stories campervan_mag campervan_mag campervanmag camper van Warners Group Publications plc

The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH

01778 391000

Publisher Fleur Chivers

Editorial Head of Content Daniel Attwood

Editor Iain Duff 01778 392442

Road Test Editor Peter Vaughan

Travel Editor Sophie Bromley-Rice

Design Lisa Watson-Bailey

Advertising Group Head of Advertising Fleur Chivers 01778 392071

Key Account Manager Zellah Stark 01778 392093

Media Sales Executive Emma Hill 01778 392057 Group Commercial Manager Ashleigh Chadwick 01778 392050

Media Account Manager Diana Pierre 01778 395019

Advertising Production & Design

Kate Goulding, Viv Lane

Marketing Brand Manager Lucie Cox 01778 395016

Distribution 01778 391171 How to subscribe Fully searchable digital library

Digital edition with exclusive extras cpvnpocketmags Print subscriptions ☎ 01778 392019

© Warners Group Publications plc 2024 All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission. While we welcome writ ten enquiries we regret we cannot offer advice on a personal basis. While every care is taken with unsolicited material submitted for publication, we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any effect from errors or omissions. While every care is taken when accepting advertisements, we cannot take responsibility for unsatisfactory transactions.



Midlands PLC

This publication is printed by Warners Midlands PLC Telephone: 01778 391000


APRIL 2024 ❚ 3

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