W lcome…
I grew up with the family mantra ‘Don’t waste the day’. But while I appreciate the value of seizing life’s opportunities, thisthis philosophy often left little room for prioritising rest, pleasure, and play. I suspect I’m not alone in admitting that when life gets hectic, self-care can easily slide. In fact, it’s a sentiment echoed by writer Yasmina Floyer this month, as she shares her ‘non-negotiables’ on page 36, and offers insights into how we can all learn to safeguard these essential rituals. Not sure where to begin? Yasmina started by posing a simple question: ‘Productivity aside, what activities enrich my life?’
Presenter Cherry Healey also emphasises the importance of activities that uplif t us, on page 98, saying ‘It’s vital to schedule in things you know are going to make you feel good.’ Sometimes, what make us feel good can have a profound impact, as Annabel
Chown discovers on page 76; she reveals that one of her key mottos is to ‘Move with joy’, as this fosters long-lasting habits and a deeper appreciation for her body.
Of course, there are some activities that may initially feel good but, upon closer examination, reveal themselves as habits that actually hold us back. They’re enticing, addictive, and can be challenging to break. Talitha Fosh has created a five-step abstinence plan on page 26, to help you detox from modern distractions. Our inspiring cover star, psychotherapist Philippa Perry, echoes this on page 14: ‘If you get a new addiction, you get a little dopamine hit,’ she says, ‘but after doing it all day, you might feel empty.’ Returning to Yasmina’s earlier reflection, it’s crucial to identify what enriches our lives and to carve out the space and time to prioritise these things. What does that look like for you this month?
Ho y xx
Holly Treacy, Acting editor
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