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COVER FEATURE The joy of secondhand

Casting off its fusty, dusty reputation, secondhand fashion is experiencing a renaissance. We ask f ve people with a passion for preloved why buying old is the new new


Small is beautiful 40Wezoom in on some of the winning Close-up Photographer of the Year shots

Beyond the dance f oor 42Howsmaller projects and venues are resisting the UK nightlife doom spiral



Read it and don’t weep 46Uplifting headlines are being shared in public spaces throughout the UK

Brighton Festival 2024 48Frank Cottrell-Boyce introduces a multi- arts programme shaped around hope

Ageing positively 50Howmore women are adopting a liberating approach to getting older

Woodlands reborn 54Ancient UK woodlands are being restored via thoughtful conservation

The power of stories 56Howpeople’s recovery tales are helping others to tackle mental health challenges

This is about women opting to turn away from the relentless marketing black hole, and grab life p50

Tree’s company 62Agroup of Muslim women have found kinship, f tness and fun in the woods

Five ways to catapult the UK towards solar success 72Despite its cloudy tendencies, the UK could be a renewable energy leader


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