‘I like an older woman – you could get me fags’, p22
Line of beauty, p44
Rushdie’s return, p30
3 Leading article 6 Portrait of the Week 9 Diary Czech mates
Joan Collins 10 US politics Joe’s woes
Freddy Gray 11 The Spectator’s Notes
My letter from Chris Packham Charles Moore 15 Rod Liddle Are Stonewall and Mermaids charitable? 16 Barometer Drones, wheat yields and badly behaved countries 19 Douglas Murray The triumph of Katharine Birbalsingh 21 Ancient and modern
Pompeii’s nouveaux riches 23 Mary Wakefield Seeing red 27 Letters Gender treatment,
the NHS, pretzels and puppies 28 Any other business
Sack Andrew Bailey? Let’s look at the case against him Martin Vander Weyer
12 The usual targets
The rise of political prosecution Kate Andrews 13 Ben Wilkinson
‘Complicit’: a poem 14 Home and away
The Lebanese always return Michael Karam 16 Biding his Tyne
Jamie Driscoll could be the new North East mayor Katy Balls 18 Scrambled logic
Western countries kept Israel safe. Why not Ukraine? Svitlana Morenets 20 Middle management
Will Israel’s tentative alliance hold? Paul Wood 22 Burning issue
Smoking gets me through motherhood Arabella Byrne 24 Pester power
Meeting the ‘revolutionaries’ of Youth Demand Max Jeffery
BOOKS 30 Sam Leith
Knife, by Salman Rushdie 32 Emma Beddington
The Body in the Mobile Library and Other Stories, by Peter Bradshaw John Sutherland
The Book-Makers, by Adam Smyth 33 Julie Bindel
Jack and Eve, by Wendy Moore 34 Ian Buruma
Alfred Dreyfus, by Maurice Samuels Houman Barekat
Teeth, by John Patrick Higgins 35 Stuart Kelly
Pariah Genius, by Iain Sinclair 36 Stuart Jeffries
The Triumph of Slippers, by Pascal Bruckner 37 Andrew Hankinson
The Eighth House, by Linda Segtnan
Cover by Morten Morland. Drawings by Michael Heath, Castro, Natasha Lawson, Robert Thompson, Mark Wood, Grizelda, Nick Newman, K.J. Lamb, Wilbur, Bernie, Dredge, Adam Singleton, Royston. www.spectator.co.uk Editorial and advertising The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP, Tel: 020 7961 0200, Email: letters@spectator.co.uk (for publication); advertising@spectator.co.uk (advertising); Advertising enquiries: 020 7961 0128 Subscription and delivery queries The Spectator customer services, Tower House, Lathkill Street, Market Harborough LE16 9EF; Tel: 01858 438 781; Email: subscriptions@the. spectator.co.uk; Rates for a basic annual subscription in the UK: £111; Europe: £185; Australia: A$279; New Zealand: A$349; and £195 in all other countries. To order, go to www.spectator.co.uk/basic-rate or call 01858 438 781 and quote BAR; Newsagent queries Spectator Circulation Dept, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP, Tel: 020 7961 0200, Fax: 020 7681 3773, Email: dbrown@spectator.co.uk; Distributor Marketforce, 161 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9AP. Tel. 0203 787 9001. www.marketforce.co.uk Vol 354; no 10,207 © The Spectator (1828) Ltd. ISSN 0038-6952 The Spectator is published weekly by The Spectator (1828) Ltd at 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP Editor: Fraser Nelson
the spectator | 20 april 2024 | www.spectator.co.uk