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9 modalities provide additional retinal visualisation* 2500 studies demonstrate clinical value and practice efficiency More than 80% of patients choose to pay for Optos imaging** Do future you a favour Get Optos off your wish list and into your practice *Feature availability depends on device configuration, and may not be available in all regions, please check with your representative. **References at © 2024 Optos. All rights reserved. Optos®, optos® and optomap® are registered trademarks of Optos plc.
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EDITOR’S COMMENT A remote possibility As you would expect, the General Optical Council’s first business registrant survey provided lots of intriguing data, much of which can be found in this week’s In Focus (page 6). Innovation was at the core of the results, with three in every four businesses reporting the introduction of new or improved clinical services to patients over the past three years. An additional one in four claimed to have introduced a clinical service that was entirely new to the market. As someone who has tracked the progress of online and remote eye care for over a decade, I was particularly keen to find out how businesses were innovating with remote technology. Surprisingly, 5% of independents said they were using the technology currently, ahead of multiples on 4%. I say surprisingly because I wasn’t aware of any independent practices that had adopted the technology. I’d love to hear from any of these who have. Planned use of remote testing was more predictable with over three times as many multiples (10%) looking to rollout within the next two years compared to 3% of independents. I then started to think about how this technology would fit in with the ethos of innovation in clinical services for patients. Would remote eye testing make for improved clinical care? I’m not actually sure it would. There are certain cases that make a lot of sense for remote eye care, such as patients in hard-to-reach locations, but I haven’t seen any that offer an improvement over an in-person eye test. All the improvements are on the company side and generally revolve around workforce supply issues. Interestingly, the research found businesses that served patients in cities were more likely to either use, or plan to use, remote sight testing (23%), in comparison to those in towns (8%). I’m starting to wonder if remote eye testing is solving a problem that patients have asked for. Editor CONTENTS 11 Showcase 21 Spor ting frames NEWS 4 7 Days News from the past week 6 In Focus GOC sur veys optical businesses for first time OPINION 8 The Consulting Room 100% quality PRACTICE 10 Informed Updates from inside the industr y 11 Showcase The latest product news LENSES & DISPENSING 13 Giving low vision high priority Dispensing optician of the year 14 Optician Awards Dr Mar tin Smith, Optometrist of the Year 17 A spor ting life through a lens Lenses to help with spor t 21 Spor ting outlook Spor ts frames for the summer of spor t CLINICAL 24 CPD: Vision and cricket How visual skills affect performance on the cricket field CLASSIFIED 30 Ser vices 33 Recruitment Editorial enquiries 020 7501 6660 Display advertisements 020 7501 6668 Classified advertisements 020 7501 6686 Subscriber enquiries 01722 716997 Optician is the weekly, paid-for information source for optometrists, dispensing opticians and the optical industr y. For 133 years Optician has been the independent voice for eye care professionals, students and business owners offering breaking news, analysis and education. In print and online, Optician provides an array of clinical, business and technology ar ticles, comprehensive CPD coverage along with the ver y latest in contact lenses, frame fashion trends and spectacle lens technology. Optician offers advice on careers and carries hundreds of job oppor tunities ever y week. Optician provides its readers with essential business help and offers a forum for eye care professionals and others in the market. 10 May 2024 OPTICIAN 3

9 modalities provide additional retinal visualisation*

2500 studies demonstrate clinical value and practice efficiency

More than 80% of patients choose to pay for Optos imaging**

Do future you a favour

Get Optos off your wish list and into your practice

*Feature availability depends on device configuration, and may not be available in all regions, please check with your representative. **References at © 2024 Optos. All rights reserved. Optos®, optos® and optomap® are registered trademarks of Optos plc.

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