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24 May – 6 June 2024


9 Grounded

Wolfgang Münchau on the Netanyahu arrest warrant

11 The Jeremy Clarkson curse Jeanette Winterson on the Cotswolds’ zombie tourism

24 Dan Poulter’s prescription The doctor and Tory defector on how to fix the NHS

38 In memoriam

David Reynolds on how we honour victims of conflict

46 Lessons of Succession Jesse Armstrong on how not to write about the US

54 The new Luddism Marina Wheeler on why we must resist AI’s advances

60 Women and war Elif Shafak revisits Virginia Woolf ’s Three Guineas

Lost in the fog of war: remembering D-Day 80 years on

Outsider art: writing America

Elif Shafak on Virginia Woolf

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24 May – 6 June 2024 | The New Statesman


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