56 Insight: Calendar SUMMER 2024
CalendarCOVER lists fairs and exhibitions, increasingly in-real-life events!
i n j o r q u e © H a n n a h E p s t e l m a d e M a l e r i e L 2 1 , P a
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Fite Textile Biennale2 July 2024–12 January 2025 Various locations, Clermont Ferrand and Auvergne Rhône- A lp e s , Fra nce the-fite.com
The topic of this textile biennale’s seventh edition is PLAY, in line with the 2024 Olympics. A festive opening week is followed by an extensive exhibition programme featuring works by fi f ty artists and designers of thirty-two nationalities, such as Big Blue Alien by Hannah Epstein (left).
WOW!house 4 June–4 July Design Centre Chelsea Harbour, London, UK www.dcch.co.uk/wowhouse
Quilts: Made in Canada 29 June–14 November Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada www.rom.on.ca
Louise Bourgeois: Nature Study 6 July–6 October Compton Verney, Warwickshire, UK www.comptonverney.org.uk
Atlanta Market 16–22 July AmericasMart, Atlanta, USA www.atlantamarket.com
Pauline Caulfield Textiles Until 20 July Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh, Scotland dovecotstudios.com Threaded Visions: Contemporary Weavings from the Collection Until 26 August Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA www.artic.edu
Las Vegas Market 28 July–1 August World Market Center Las Vegas, USA www.lasvegasmarket.com
New York Textile Month IX 1–30 September Various locations, New York, USA www.textilemonth.nyc
Maison & Objet 5–9 September Exhibition Center Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, France www.maison-objet.com The Rug Show 7–9 September Meadowlands Expo Center, NJ, USA t her ug show.com
Woven Dreams: A Tibetan Rug Art Competition: Awards 14 September Tibet House US, New York, USA www.bespoketibetan.com/woven-dreams
London Design Festival 14–22 September Various locations, London, UK londondesignfestival.com
Decorex 6–9 October Olympia Events, London, UK www.decorex.com
Zollanvari In-House Exhibition 7–10 October Embrach, Zurich, Switzerland www.zollanvari.com
High Point Market 26–30 October High Point, NC, USA www.highpointmarket.org
Carpet & Flooring Expo 7–10 January 2025 Istanbul Expo Centre, Istanbul, Tu r k e y www.icfexpo.com
Domotex Hannover 16–19 January 2025 Deutsche Messe, Hannover, Germany www.domotex.de
COVER Connect Las Vegas 28–30 January 2025 Mandalay, Las Vegas, USA www.thecoverconnect.com