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SPECIAL OFFER! CROSSSTITCHER SUBSCRIPTION Experience the ultimate Print or digital? Why choose? When you can have both! As a reader you already know what you have in your hands is the premium cross stitching magazine on the market... Can’t decide between print or digital? You don’t have to with our exclusive joint subscription offer! • ENHANCE YOUR SKILLS with our innovative tutorials. • Use our SIMPLE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS to make thoughtful gifts for your friends and family • ENJOY a unique and complete stitching gift with every issue of your printed copy • ACCESS YOUR DIGITAL COPY on any device, wherever you are • DIGTIALPLUS ARCHIVE of 10 years’ worth of CrossStitcher, plus rare issue of Cross Stitch Collection ISSUE 412 AUGUST 2024 PRINT+ DIGITAL DESIGNS!66 BRAND NEW Welcome to Paradise Welcome to Paradise! A U G U S T 2 0 2 4 P RI N T E D I N T H E U K £ 5. 9 9 PURRFECT POTS: CUTE CAT PLANTERS Su e Mic Ca Co ectio Our intrepid mice are having the summer of their lives – and their adventures make the sweetest cards. Choose from eight adorable designs in our bumper collection… 8 EXCLUSIVE SUMMER DESIGNS! sampler display SOMETHING BLUE... Fine china wedding HAVE FELINE FUN WITH OUR 3D TOTE! XST410.p35-41.special.indd 35 XST410.p35-41.special.indd 35 s y i w t f o e s Pretty cards to send with love Nostalgic British country mill scene RIVERSIDEMILL 19/06/2024 17:07 19/06/2024 17:07 PLUS access rare issues for Cross Stitch Collection 35 BEST FOR STITCHING PLEASURE September 2016 Issue 266 ALPINELPI CHARM NO.1 FOR STITCHING PLEASURE March 2017 Issue 272 FAIRYAIRY MAGIC! NO.1 FOR STITCHING PLEASURE February 2017 Issue 271 VALENTINEALEN TREATS STITCHING FAVOURITES: FOX CUBS, TOPIARY STYLE STITCHA SWEETFEAST HTim fo treats! Strictly come stitching! STITCHING FAVOURITES: ANIVERSARIES, MONDAY'S CHILD Country Eleganc SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION Dreaming of spring STITCHING FAVOURITES: HEART SAMPLER, LINEN PURSE Pur Romanc LOVING TRADITIONAL STYLE Create a bird sampler Receive your print and digital issues every month and access over 10 years’ worth of digital archive issues. THE UK £4.99 IN INTED PR 2016 SEPTEMBER S HARVEST TryouTrTr H HOME TryourAutumn appledécor GIANT VENICE SCENE WWoodland friends £4.99 UK THE IN INTED PR 2017 MARCH PARTTWOTTW OFOUR BIGGEST EVER fold-out chart! 02/08/2016 14:38 Make your own Monet! GIANT FOLD-OUT CHART THE UK £4.99 IN INTED PR FEBRUARY 2017 FEBR HOUSE reate a reate a CrCrC PROUD Create a home for your needles UME DOLLS GOGLOBAL! COSTUME DOLLS from all around the world CSC271.cover_uk.indd 1 TILE InspireI STYLE Inspired new accessories Capture the chintz look GIANT FOLD-OUT CHART NEW BABY CELEBRATE! NEW BABY Ultimatesampler for a little one 50% OFFYOUR FIRST 6 MONTHS! *T&Cs Apply: Print and digital subscription available to UK addresses when paying Direct Debit or continuous card payment (CPA). Pay £17.49 for your first year then standard rate of £34.99 6 monthly thereafter. Print copies will be mailed to you when released. DigitalPlus access to archive issues and new releases only available during your subscription period. Overseas readers please check website for latest offers. Cancel anytime! Offer expires: 31st July 2024
page 5
Welcome In praise of fabulous flowers… Our sweet peas havestruggled becauseofthe strangeweather conditionsthisyear! WE ARE AT the height of summer here in the UK. The gardening experts would have it that this is the time to sit back and enjoy all our hard work. It isn’t quite like that for us. Where we live, we have a village show with prizes for the best growers. The entry categories include fruit and veg – and, of course, flowers. This is where things became rather stressful. Last year we entered for ‘best sweet peas’. Only a small number of perfect blooms are required but we hadn’t counted on the colony of slugs and snails that inhabit our garden. It came to a head with Susan virtually sleeping outside to save her sweet peas from being devoured in the night! It was worth it though, as we can modestly tell you that she won first prize. Defending the title this year is another ma er... Flowers are often at the heart of what we like to stitch most. This month you can choose wildflowers on a rugged coastline (page 28), or stitch something smaller with a set of unusual floral cards on page 23. We promise these projects are stress-free! Happy stitching! Also... we’re more than a magazine – sign up to our email newsle er for even more ‘stitchy’ content! Turn to page 7 to see how! SUSAN & MARTIN PENNY EDITORS P.S. Send your stitching le ers and photos to Vintage style Stitch our cushion in our September issue, on sale 6 August 2024. FORALLSUBSCRIPTIONENQUIRIES Telephone: UK +44 (0)1778 392080 Email: Followusonline! Write to the editorial department at: CrossStitcher Magazine, PO Box 172, Northam, EX39 9DY Say it with flowers!lowers!


In praise of fabulous flowers…

Our sweet peas havestruggled becauseofthe strangeweather conditionsthisyear!

WE ARE AT the height of summer here in the UK. The gardening experts would have it that this is the time to sit back and enjoy all our hard work. It isn’t quite like that for us. Where we live, we have a village show with prizes for the best growers. The entry categories include fruit and veg – and, of course, flowers. This is where things became rather stressful. Last year we entered for ‘best sweet peas’. Only a small number of perfect blooms are required but we hadn’t counted on the colony of slugs and snails that inhabit our garden. It came to a head with Susan virtually sleeping outside to save her sweet peas from being devoured in the night! It was worth it though, as we can modestly tell you that she won first prize. Defending the title this year is another ma er...

Flowers are often at the heart of what we like to stitch most. This month you can choose wildflowers on a rugged coastline (page 28), or stitch something smaller with a set of unusual floral cards on page 23.

We promise these projects are stress-free!

Happy stitching! Also... we’re more than a magazine – sign up to our email newsle er for even more ‘stitchy’ content! Turn to page 7 to see how!



P.S. Send your stitching le ers and photos to

Vintage style

Stitch our cushion in our September issue, on sale 6 August 2024.


Telephone: UK +44 (0)1778 392080 Email:


Write to the editorial department at: CrossStitcher Magazine, PO Box 172, Northam, EX39 9DY

Say it with flowers!lowers!

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