In praise of fabulous flowers…
Our sweet peas havestruggled becauseofthe strangeweather conditionsthisyear!
WE ARE AT the height of summer here in the UK. The gardening experts would have it that this is the time to sit back and enjoy all our hard work. It isn’t quite like that for us. Where we live, we have a village show with prizes for the best growers. The entry categories include fruit and veg – and, of course, flowers. This is where things became rather stressful. Last year we entered for ‘best sweet peas’. Only a small number of perfect blooms are required but we hadn’t counted on the colony of slugs and snails that inhabit our garden. It came to a head with Susan virtually sleeping outside to save her sweet peas from being devoured in the night! It was worth it though, as we can modestly tell you that she won first prize. Defending the title this year is another ma er...
Flowers are often at the heart of what we like to stitch most. This month you can choose wildflowers on a rugged coastline (page 28), or stitch something smaller with a set of unusual floral cards on page 23.
We promise these projects are stress-free!
Happy stitching! Also... we’re more than a magazine – sign up to our email newsle er for even more ‘stitchy’ content! Turn to page 7 to see how!
P.S. Send your stitching le ers and photos to crossstitcher@warnersgroup.co.uk
Vintage style
Stitch our cushion in our September issue, on sale 6 August 2024.
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Say it with flowers!lowers!