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Visit for the very latest from the music world Contents AUGUST 2024 August Radio 3 highlights See p92 FEATURES 24 Cover: The Sixteen The world-renowned choir is in great spirits at 45 years old, conductor Harry Christophers tells Andrew Stewart 34 Golden years For ageing musicians, added experience can of ten make up for declining physical prowess, f inds Ariane Todes 38 Symphonies by the sea Andrew Green unfolds his deckchair as he investigates the erstwhile phenomenon of British seaside orchestras 42 Harmonic progression Big, brash and of ten over-the-top: Prog Rock, classical music’s pop cousin, is introduced by Meurig Bowen 46 Dicovering Donizetti Alexandra Wilson tells how devoted detective work has uncovered a wealth of songs by the great Italian EVERY MONTH 8 Letters 12 The Full Score The latest news and interviews from the music world 23 Richard Morrison 30 The BBC Music Magazine Interview Italian pianist Federico Colli talks to Michael Church 52 Musical Destinations To m S t e w a r t enjoys buttery potatoes in Västra Karup, Sweden, home of legendary soprano Birgit Nilsson 54 Composer of the Month Brought up in a church tower, Martinů’s long-range views would go on to shape his music, says Ste ve Wr ight 58 Building a Library Rebecca Franks on Philip Glass’s Piano Etudes, works that do a lot more than their dry name might suggest 92 Radio & TV 96 Crossword and Quiz 98 Music that Changed Me Actor and spaceman William Shatner , G E T T Y, S A R A H F E R R A R A I L L A R : O H N M PA G E I S T H I L L A R : J O H N M C O V E R 24 The Sixteen Subscriptions £64.87 (UK); £65 (Europe); £74 (Rest of World) ABC Reg No. 3122 EDITORIAL Plus our favourite Prog Rock song or album (see p42) Editor Charlotte Smith Pink Floyd’s ‘Dogs’ Deputy editor Jeremy Pound ELP’s ‘Fanfare for the Common Man’ Reviews editor Michael Beek Mike Oldf ield’s Tubular Bells Multi-plantform content producer Ste ve Wr i g ht Genesis’s ‘Watcher of the Skies’ Cover CD editor A l ic e Pea r son Mike Oldf ield’s Tubular Bells Art editor Dav Ludford Yes’s ‘Yours is No Disgrace’ Than k s to Jen ny P r ic e , Hanna h Nepi lov a , MARKETING Subscriptions director Jacky Perales-Morris Direct marketing manager Kel l ie La ne Subscriptions marketing coordinator Dennis Awdziejczyk ADVERTISING Advertisement manager Rebecca Janyshiwskyj +44 (0)117 300 8547 Commercial brand leads Rebecca Yirrell +44 (0)117 300 8811 Rebecca O’Connell +44 (0)117 300 8814 Client solutions manager Tom Houlden +44 (0)117 300 8203 4 BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE
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30 Federico Colli August reviews Your guide to the best new recordings and books The Gringolts Quartet are sublime in Brahms 42 Prog Rock Brand sales executives Willem Curran +44 (0)117 300 8534 James Phillips +44 (0)117 300 8224 Inserts Laurence Robertson +353 876 902208 SYNDICATION & LICENSING Tim Hudson +44 (0)20 7150 5170 Richard Bentley +44 (0)20 7150 5168 PRODUCTION Production director Sa r a h Powel l Production coordinator Emily Mounter Ad coordinator Mol l y Websde l l Ad de s i g ner s Cee Pike, Andrew Hobson Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch PUBLISHING Brand leader Rosa Sherwood Managing director A nd r ew Dav ie s Group managing director A ndy Marsha l l BBC STUDIOS, UK PUBLISHING Chair, editorial review boards Nichola s Bre t t Managing director, consumer products and licensing Stephen Dav ie s Global director, magazines Mandy Thwa i t e s Compliance manager Cameron McEwan EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Janet Tuppen, Adam Barker, Philip Raperport This magazine is published by Our Media Company Bristol Limited under l icence from BBC Studios 64 Recording of the Month Brahms St r ing Quintet s Nos 1 & 2 ‘This multifacted, technicolor playing brings out the best in Brahms by never becoming mere effect ’ 66 Orchestral 69 Concerto 72 Opera 74 Choral & Song 78 Chamber 82 Instrumental 85 World 86 Brief Notes 88 Books 89 Audio 90 From the Archive 91 Reviews Index Subscribe today to BBC Music Maga zine Save money on newsst a nd pr ices! See p10 for our fantastic of fer BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE 5

30 Federico Colli

August reviews Your guide to the best new recordings and books

The Gringolts Quartet are sublime in Brahms

42 Prog Rock

Brand sales executives Willem Curran +44 (0)117 300 8534 James Phillips +44 (0)117 300 8224 Inserts Laurence Robertson +353 876 902208 SYNDICATION & LICENSING Tim Hudson +44 (0)20 7150 5170 Richard Bentley +44 (0)20 7150 5168 PRODUCTION Production director Sa r a h Powel l Production coordinator Emily Mounter Ad coordinator Mol l y Websde l l Ad de s i g ner s Cee Pike, Andrew Hobson Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch PUBLISHING Brand leader Rosa Sherwood

Managing director A nd r ew Dav ie s Group managing director A ndy Marsha l l BBC STUDIOS, UK PUBLISHING Chair, editorial review boards Nichola s Bre t t Managing director, consumer products and licensing Stephen Dav ie s Global director, magazines Mandy Thwa i t e s Compliance manager Cameron McEwan EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Janet Tuppen, Adam Barker, Philip Raperport

This magazine is published by Our Media Company Bristol Limited under l icence from BBC Studios

64 Recording of the Month

Brahms St r ing Quintet s Nos 1 & 2 ‘This multifacted, technicolor playing brings out the best in Brahms by never becoming mere effect ’

66 Orchestral 69 Concerto 72 Opera 74 Choral & Song 78 Chamber 82 Instrumental

85 World 86 Brief Notes 88 Books 89 Audio

90 From the Archive 91 Reviews Index

Subscribe today to BBC Music Maga zine Save money on newsst a nd pr ices! See p10 for our fantastic of fer


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