Publisher: Steve Cole Editor: Phil Parker T: 07879 664 383
Advertising: Sarah Jarman T: 01778 392055 Advertising Designer: Amie Carter Designer: Dan Jarman Production Executive: Allison Mould 01778 395002 Contributors: Andy Coward, Victoria Demery, Ian Maunders, Chris New, David Pinniger, Dave Skertchly, Mark Thatcher, Mike Wakefield
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One of the rules we have to abide by when publishing Garden Rail is that when we use a photo of a minor, their parent, or guardian has to complete a form to say they are happy for the image to be used. For the first time ever, I’ve had to get two of these completed for this issue.
Digging in a soon-to-be-demolished shed, I unearthed some garden scale models, including this early example of my handiwork. Built on the cheap, ‘Marther ’ runs on CooperCraft wheels, powered by a motor and gears from the Proops Pound range, which some readers might remember from the 1980s. Amazingly, with a bit of oiling, she still works!
The first is for a charming picture in Mailbox of someone who can probably lay claim to the ‘Youngest Reader’ prize.
Number two is for our lead layout. Grandpa William Railway. This is a real family affair, with the youngsters not just playing trains, but taking an active part in the railway. They have learned the discipline required to do things properly, while still having fun. In the future, this is going to stand them in good stead. It also gives lie to those who claim our hobby is going to die off as youngsters aren’t joining our ranks.
One person I am pleased hasn’t left our ranks is Marc Horovitz. Last month, he was described as “the late Marc Horovitz” in Dave Pinniger’s article. That was my mistake based on some duff information from a forum earlier in the year. Both Dave and myself are very pleased I was wrong. Apologies to anyone who got a nasty surprise. I will find a suitably unpleasant task to carry out as penance. Phil Parker, Editor
6 Grandpa William’s Railway by Victoria Demery
30 ‘Mudlark’ by David Pinniger
14 Building ‘Rose’ by Ian Maunders
16 A cheap laser engraver to make nameplates by Mike Wakefield
19 Skip wagons
24 LNWR 2000 Gallon Water Tank and Water Column by Mark Thatcher
26 The Toy train that changed the World by Chris New
32 Postcards from the Isle of Westland by Andy Coward
34 Gee up Neddy by Da ve Skertchly
23 Diary Dates 38 Mailbox 42 Product News 50 Seen at the Show
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