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MHM CONTENTS October/November 2024 FEATURES UPFRONT Welcome 3 Notes from the Frontline 6 Behind the Image 8 German soldiers captured in France, 1918 War Classics 10 Nick Spenceley reconsiders the Flashman novels of George MacDonald Fraser 18 COVER STORY Napoleon: rise of a military colossus This year sees the 225th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte’s ascent to power as leader of France in the coup of 9 November 1799, or 18 Brumaire. With de use of the threat of force, the country’s leading general effectively ended a decade of continuous political upheaval. In this issue we explore, first, the part played by Napoleon’s generalship in his progress from unknown artillery offi cer to ruler of France. In a companion piece, we explore in depth two battles he fought in his 1796-1797 campaign, which set the French armies on the road to victory in Italy. 12 Thinking outside the box Churchill and the scientists Taylor Downing examines the Prime Minister’s relationships with some of the brilliant mavericks who contributed to final victory during WWII. 34 Hidden figures Native levies in foreign wars The employment of ‘native levies’ reached a peak during the British colonial era. Stephen Roberts uncovers a forgotten story. 42 The last of the Romans Flavius Aetius: slayer of Huns The victory of Flavius Aetius over the notorious Attila the Hun shaped the fate of the Roman Empire, argues Tim Newark. SUBSCRIBE | MHMOFFERS Turn to p.73 for subscriptions and special offers 4 48 Thunder in the East Armoured warfare in Asia & the Pacific Some of World War II’s critical engagements were decided by armoured fighting vehicles, as David Porter describes. October/November 2024
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THE DEBRIEF 62 MHM REVIEWS Book Reviews | 56 We review Henry V: the astonishing rise of England’s greatest warrior king by Dan Jones, and The Strategists: Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Mussolini, and Hitler by Phillips Payson O’Brien, as well as Nelson’s Pathfinders: a forgotten story in the triumph of British sea power by Michael Barritt. In View | 60 A round-up of new military history titles War on Film | 62 Taylor Downing gives his verdict on The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare October/November 2024 66 MHM VISITS Museum | 66 MHM visits a new exhibition on Cold War Scotland in Edinburgh MHM OFF DUTY Letters | 68 Your thoughts on issues raised by the magazine Competition | 71 Our regular crossword, plus a chance to win great prizes in the MHM Quiz Back to the Drawing Board | 74 The doomed HMS Audacious EDITORIAL CONTACTS Editor: Laurence Earle Assistant Editor: Calum Henderson Book Reviews: Editor-at-large: Andrew Selkirk Subeditor: Simon Coppock Art Editor: Mark Edwards Designer: Emma Morgan Publisher: Maria Earle Managing Director: Rob Selkirk Founding Editor: † Neil Faulkner M H M C O N T E N T S COMMERCIAL Advertising Sales Manager: Mike Traylen T: 020 8819 5360 E: Marketing & Digital Manager: Emma Watts-Plumpkin T: 020 8819 5575 E: Commercial Director: Libby Selkirk SUBSCRIPTION & NEWS DISTRIBUTION USA & CANADA Military History Matters Issue 142 (ISSN 2631-990X) (USPS 021-938) is published 6 times a year (bi-monthly) by Current Publishing Ltd, Offi ce 120, 295 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4HH. Distributed in the U.S. by NPS Media Group, 2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 420, Shelton, CT 06484. Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, CT and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER send address changes to MILITARY HISTORY MATTERS, PO Box 37052, Boone, IA 50037-0052. Send US and Canada subscription enquiries to: Tel: (toll free) 1-866-877-7198 Email: UK & REST OF WORLD “6 ISSUES” Military History Matters (ISSN 2631-990X) UK: £31.95 RoW: £43.95 Single issue: £6.95 (Rest of World £8.95) Subscriptions should be sent to: Current Publishing, Offi ce 120, 295 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4HH Tel: 020 8819 5580 Fax: 020 8819 5589 Email: Online: UK & Rest of World: Seymour Distribution Ltd, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London WC1A 9PT Tel: 01202 586 848 Printed in England by William Gibbons © Current Publishing Ltd 2024 All rights reserved. Text and pictures are copyright restricted and must not be reproduced without permission of the publishers. The publishers, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any goods, promotions or services which may be advertised or referred to in this magazine. Every effort has been made to secure permission for copyright material. In the event of any material being used inadvertently or where it has been impossible to contact the copyright owner, acknowledgement will be made in a future issue. All liabilit y for loss, disappointment, negligence or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within this publication is hereby excluded. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher.



MHM REVIEWS Book Reviews | 56 We review Henry V: the astonishing rise of England’s greatest warrior king by Dan Jones, and The Strategists: Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Mussolini, and Hitler by Phillips Payson O’Brien, as well as Nelson’s Pathfinders: a forgotten story in the triumph of British sea power by Michael Barritt.

In View | 60 A round-up of new military history titles

War on Film | 62 Taylor Downing gives his verdict on The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

October/November 2024


MHM VISITS Museum | 66 MHM visits a new exhibition on Cold War Scotland in Edinburgh


Letters | 68 Your thoughts on issues raised by the magazine Competition | 71 Our regular crossword, plus a chance to win great prizes in the MHM Quiz

Back to the Drawing Board | 74 The doomed HMS Audacious

EDITORIAL CONTACTS Editor: Laurence Earle Assistant Editor: Calum Henderson Book Reviews: Editor-at-large: Andrew Selkirk Subeditor: Simon Coppock Art Editor: Mark Edwards Designer: Emma Morgan Publisher: Maria Earle Managing Director: Rob Selkirk Founding Editor: † Neil Faulkner


COMMERCIAL Advertising Sales Manager: Mike Traylen T: 020 8819 5360 E: Marketing & Digital Manager: Emma Watts-Plumpkin T: 020 8819 5575 E: Commercial Director: Libby Selkirk

SUBSCRIPTION & NEWS DISTRIBUTION USA & CANADA Military History Matters Issue 142 (ISSN 2631-990X) (USPS 021-938) is published 6 times a year (bi-monthly) by Current Publishing Ltd, Offi ce 120, 295 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4HH. Distributed in the U.S. by NPS Media Group, 2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 420, Shelton, CT 06484. Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, CT and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER send address changes to MILITARY HISTORY MATTERS, PO Box 37052, Boone, IA 50037-0052. Send US and Canada subscription enquiries to: Tel: (toll free) 1-866-877-7198 Email:

UK & REST OF WORLD “6 ISSUES” Military History Matters (ISSN 2631-990X) UK: £31.95 RoW: £43.95 Single issue: £6.95 (Rest of World £8.95) Subscriptions should be sent to: Current Publishing, Offi ce 120, 295 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4HH Tel: 020 8819 5580 Fax: 020 8819 5589 Email: Online: UK & Rest of World: Seymour Distribution Ltd, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London WC1A 9PT Tel: 01202 586 848 Printed in England by William Gibbons © Current Publishing Ltd 2024

All rights reserved. Text and pictures are copyright restricted and must not be reproduced without permission of the publishers. The publishers, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any goods, promotions or services which may be advertised or referred to in this magazine. Every effort has been made to secure permission for copyright material. In the event of any material being used inadvertently or where it has been impossible to contact the copyright owner, acknowledgement will be made in a future issue. All liabilit y for loss, disappointment, negligence or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within this publication is hereby excluded. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher.

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