ISSUE 4.3 / FALL 2024
Cristina Holman 5 Five Poems
Anne Low 10 Decorator’s Handbook 24 “Persistence of the Vernacular”: A Conversation with Anne Low
Pierre Coupey, Jenny Penberthy, Dorothy Jantzen 35 “Into the Material”: Remembering
Ann Rosenberg (1940 –2018)
Atheana Picha 46 Selected Works on Paper
Emily Dundas Oke, Aaron Nelson-Moody, 60 “A l l these connections and materials take a Atheana Picha l ifet ime”: A Conversation with Atheana Picha and Aaron Nelson-Moody
Ruoyu Wang 73 Three Poems Saif Alsaegh 76 Three Poems Rob Macaisa Colgate 79 The Softness of Language
Laura Grier 82 Hįdú ɂAssı ̨ ́ i—K’inayele Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora 92 Seeking the Latent: On Liz Magor’s
Subject to Change Les Ramsay 98 Landscape Paintings Alison Bosley 112 STATIC TIME TRAVEL Nadya Isabella 118 Selected Works
Lee Suksi 134 A fterglows
Tina Do 139 Three Poems ryan fitzpatrick 14 4 Wel l , Ok ay 148 Contr ibutors