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CONTENTS I S SU E 416 (Vol.XXXV, No.8) ❙ November 2024 42 FEATURES 18 BURIED AT BODICOTE Investigating unusual inhumations at an Iron Age farmstead in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds Archaeological work ahead of a new housing development near Banbury has uncovered the remains of an Iron Age farmstead, including ten pit burials with unexpected characteristics. 26 PIONEERING SPIRIT Exploring the archaeology and history of The Glenlivet whisky Excavations in the Scottish Highlands have revealed the stor y of the industrialisation of whisky production during the 19th century. 32 NORFOLK’S EARLIEST STONE CHURCHES Constructing a timeline of ancient religious buildings A new book visits almost 650 medieval churches in Norfolk in an in-depth study of their building materials, many of which were reused from Roman ruins. 42 MAKING A SPLASH The Big Bronze Age Boat Build at Stanwick Lakes Three Bronze Age-style log-boats were recently constructed 4 and launched as par t of an experimental archaeology project in Northamptonshire. 48 SCRAPS OF MEMORY Illuminating the imaginative worlds of Sutton House’s 17th-century schoolgirls A handful of tiny paper finds, discovered at Sutton House in Hackney over 30 years ago but only recently identified, offer a unique opportunity to explore the ar tistic interests of the young girls who were educated there in the 17th centur y. 52 IN FOCUS: ANTIQUARIAN OR ARCHAEOLOGIST? Illustrating the influence of Edmund Tyrrell Artis We explore the life and legacy of the 19th-century polymath Edmund Tyrrell Artis, and his contribution to pioneering a more analytical approach to archaeological investigation. analytical approach to arc 32 26 26 NOVEMBER 2024
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CONTENTS 13 UPFRONT 3 EDITOR’S LETTER 6 LETTERS Your comments, complaints, and compliments 8 NEWS ‘Lost’ Parliamentarian house uncovered at Auckland Castle; Rare Pictish ring found at Burghead fort; Second orld ar finds unearthed in incolnshire ossible stone circle discovered at Arthur’s Stone; Caring for the sick at Cookham monastery; Science Notes; Roman road uncovered in fordshire school field Finds Tray 14 COMMENT Joe Flatman e cavates the CA archive 16 CONTEXT A marine mosaic: Wroxeter Roman City 64 61 66 11 8 CULTURE 56 REVIEWS Early Roman waterfront development: excavations at Regis House, City of London, 1994-6; Northwold Manor Reborn: architecture, archaeology and restoration of a derelict Norfolk house; Becoming Roman in North East Lincolshire; Knowth; Forgotten Vikings; Edinburgh: a new history 60 EXHIBITION Knaresborough eritage entre 61 MUSEUM NEWS The latest on acquisitions, e hibitions, and key decisions 62 LISTINGS Our selection of e hibitions and events, as well as historical, archaeological, and cultural resources from around the world that are available online 64 SHERDS Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS Tewkesbury attlefield Society ON THE COVER A 17th-century snippet recently identified at utton ouse in ackney CREDIT: National Trust mages ames obson 4 1 6 N o v e m b e r Issue 416 ❙ November 2024 ❙ £5.95 THE UK’S BEST-SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE B o d i c o t e G l e n l i v e t N o r f o l k c h u r c h e s S t a n w i c k L a k e s S u t t o n H o u s e E d m u n d A r t i s Scraps of memoryScraps of memory Illuminating the imaginative worlds of 17th-century schoolgirls Illuminating the imaginative worlds of 17th-century schoolgirls PLUS Excavating Bodicote’s unusual Iron Age burials ❙ Glenlivet ’s distilling heritage Bronze Age log-boats launch at Stanwick Lakes ❙ .95 £5 ❙ 416 Issue I S SU E 416 5


I S SU E 416 (Vol.XXXV, No.8) ❙ November 2024




Investigating unusual inhumations at an Iron Age farmstead in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds Archaeological work ahead of a new housing development near Banbury has uncovered the remains of an Iron Age farmstead, including ten pit burials with unexpected characteristics.


Exploring the archaeology and history of The Glenlivet whisky Excavations in the Scottish Highlands have revealed the stor y of the industrialisation of whisky production during the 19th century.


STONE CHURCHES Constructing a timeline of ancient religious buildings A new book visits almost 650 medieval churches in Norfolk in an in-depth study of their building materials, many of which were reused from Roman ruins.


The Big Bronze Age Boat Build at Stanwick Lakes Three Bronze Age-style log-boats were recently constructed


and launched as par t of an experimental archaeology project in Northamptonshire.


Illuminating the imaginative worlds of Sutton House’s 17th-century schoolgirls A handful of tiny paper finds, discovered at Sutton House in Hackney over 30 years ago but only recently identified, offer a unique opportunity to explore the ar tistic interests of the young girls who were educated there in the 17th centur y.


OR ARCHAEOLOGIST? Illustrating the influence of Edmund Tyrrell Artis We explore the life and legacy of the 19th-century polymath Edmund Tyrrell Artis, and his contribution to pioneering a more analytical approach to archaeological investigation.

analytical approach to arc





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