Camilla Haule
For 17-yea r-old Cami l l a Hau le , da i ly l i fe at her Somerset boa rd i ng school is a bustle of academics, music, sport and friendship. Presently in the Upper Si xth at Wells Cathedral School, which was founded in AD 909 and offers co-ed places to 700 children aged from t wo to 18 years, she is taking A-levels in Biolog y, Music and French.
Once those are safely under her belt, Camilla hopes to study in the US, somewhere on the East Coast – NYU or MIT. And having thrived on the variet y of l ife at Wells, she plans to major in human biolog y or neuroscience – plus take a minor in business or even musical theatre.
monthly v isits to a centre for elderly people. We spend time with them, singing and play ing games.’
This packed timetable makes her ‘ver y happy’, Camilla says, and is one of the reasons why she has loved her school days. ‘What I mainly appreciate is the way I can do so much. If you had told me I could balance a l l these things – music, academics – and do everything to such a high standard, I wouldn’t have believed you. So it makes me happy and grateful that I can.’
It helps that the Wells School community is supportive. ‘People are so understanding if I need more time. Teachers are accommodating to my needs. It helps to stop me burning out.’
‘ I love doing so many different things,’ Camilla says. ‘ That’s the priv i lege of the US system – you can take different courses l ike biolog y and drama. And you can then choose to go on to specialise.’ Her ultimate aim is medical school, to qualif y as a doctor or researcher of some k ind.
Back at Wells, she is excelling at non-academic pursuits. Having a lready been made a prefect, Camilla has now become Head of School.
She is a lso a v iol in specia l ist. ‘Music is a big part of my extra curricular l ife,’ she says.
And there is stil l time to be ver y involved in drama – recently Camilla played Juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet, which was performed in Wells Cathedral – as well as dance. Plus, there is volunteering: ‘We do
Another plus has been the chance to grow up in a community of friends. With an international background – her parents are from Ita ly and Tanzania, a nd her mother cu r rent ly work s i n Nor way – Cami l l a spea k s si x l a ng uages but, as an only child, appreciates being a boarder.
‘ I love it so much. Living with other people, sharing clothes and a lways having someone to ta lk to is great. And Wells is such a beautiful cit y. So green. My busy l ife is ju xtaposed with this calm, cleansing environment.’
What does she l i ke most about her sc hool? ‘ Wel l s i s set t i ng me up to be a mu lt i-sk i l led per son, to have a toolbox of many d i fferent sk i l l s a nd qua l it ie s .’ She hopes that will be the perfect support system for the next stage in l ife. ‘ I’m ready for a new culture change, but my foundations are secure.’
Portrait by Jon Edkins