ALICE SMELLIE Health and beaut y writer Alice Smellie is co-author of Cracking the Menopause with Mar ie l l a Frost r up, a s wel l a s a d i rec tor of t he campa ig n g roup Menopause Mandate. She produces features for national newspapers including the Daily Mail, Times and Daily Telegraph, and gives ta lks to companies and schools about women’s health. This issue, A l ice w r ite s on t he impor ta nce of mentoring programmes within schools.
DAVID GOODHEW As Managing Direc tor of t he Dukes Education Advisor y Board, David Goodhew is committed to advancing social mobilit y v ia bursaries. A graduate of Oxford Universit y with a First in Classics, he was Head of Lat ymer Upper School from 2012–2023, where he launched the Inspiring Minds campaign, which successfully completed its aim of raising £40m to offer one in four pupils a means-tested bursar y.
JAMES BARTLETT Originally from Pembrokeshire, James Bartlett read music at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where he held a choral scholarship and sang with Sidney Sussex College Choi r a nd K i ng’s Col lege Choi r. Beyond his role as Director of Music at Christ’s Hospital, James maintains a portfolio of professional singing work, is a course director for the Rodolfus Choral Courses, and musical d i rec tor for t he Nat iona l Yout h Music Theatre.