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Issue No. 1244 Sunday, January 28, 2024 £2.20 THE ORIGINAL AND THE BEST SPIREITES MOVE 16 POINTS CLEAR LAMBS LEAPING ON IN NORTH SAINTS’ NOBLE MAKES STEP UP ONLY £2.20 WE’VE GOT IT MAID! Maidstone United can’t hide their delight after knocking Ipswich Town out of the FA Cup in front of their 4,479 jubilant travelling fans PICTURE: Alamy EVERY SUNDAY IN RETAILERS Sto MAGICAL!MAIDSTONEUNITED’SFACup dream lives on after the Na- tional League South history makers stunned Ipswich Town to reach the last 16 of the FA Cup. Stones fans barmy. Stones continue FA Cup fairytale ANTHONY HUGHES: TRIBUTES TO SOUTHERN LEAGUE CHIEF Goals from Lamar Reynolds and Sam Corne, either side of Jeremy Sarmiento’s leveller, sent more than 4,500 travelling OR SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT: WWW.THE NONLEAGUEFOOTBALLPAPER.COM The Kent side are ball num- ber nine in today’s fifth round draw and boss George Elokobi couldn’t be prouder. “We knew to come here and get a result was going to take some doing,” he said. “We had to be resilient for 98 minutes. I drummed this into the players. We prepared and we prepared it right. “I told them ‘Go out there, enjoy the occasion. You are already history makers in the eyes of the world. Take every bit of the glory’. To make it his- toric, to have memories to look back to – the magic of the FA Cupismakingusdreamagain.” ● REPORT – SEE PAGES 4-5 Fill out the form and send your cheque for either £20, £40 or £80 made out to The Football Paper Ltd to: Subscriptions, The Football League Paper, Tuition House, St George’s Rd, Wimbledon, SW19 4EU n 10 weeks = £20 n 20 weeks = £40 n 40 weeks = £80 (please tick) (All prices include P&P) POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION Name: Address: Telephone No: Email: Postcode: Please note rates are for UK subscriptions only - other country rates on application DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION UK rates £1.49 1 edition, £15.99 13 edition, £29.99 26 editions. Subscribe on our website www.thenonleague
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When Saturday Comes No 447 November 2024 Contents 36 REGULARS 5 Editorial Threats to strike over their workload show how players have power 6 Sidelines Ticket prices sour Villa’s Champions League adventure; retelling the Munich air disaster; why the new National League Cup won’t be drawing big crowds; the debate over WSL players’ pitchside autographs 12 Shot! Under the Heathrow flightpath as Bedfont host PFC Victoria London 12 16 / CO L O R S P O RT S C P H O T O S WI L L – / S I M O N G / O F F S I D E S T E V E B E E R L I N G 40 15 Cameron Carter column Life is a list of teams to “keep an eye on” 24 The perfect shot QPR fans march to Wembley in 1967 30 World view Dundalk’s financial spiral; a Serbian top division tie-in; San Marino celebrate a win at long last 44 Letters Banksy approached me in the gardening part of the store... 46 Season in brief IFK Gothenburg win Sweden’s championship play-off in 1990 FEATURES 16 Full volume How stadium anthems went from communal singing to forced fun 19 Blue velvet Birmingham City are turning heads as League One’s big spenders 20 Match of the month Hope still prevails in Cumbria as Carlisle United host Fleetwood Town 26 Six of the best Toto Schillaci, the man who came from nowhere to win the Golden Boot The visitors are helped by the fact that Carlisle’s defence is so full of holes any passing Jumblies would be tempted to put to sea in it Carlisle United v Fleetwood Town p20 28 Confined space Rebounding goalnets and chocolate boxes at The Dell in Southampton 34 Men of Kent Tonbridge Angels pitching upwards; derby delight for Folkestone Invicta 36 Doctor’s note Getting back out on the six-a-side pitch after a health scare 40 Bratwurst summer 2024 WSC readers’ survey results 42 Object lessons Flicking through the pages of a Forestfilled scrapbook

When Saturday Comes No 447 November 2024



REGULARS 5 Editorial

Threats to strike over their workload show how players have power 6 Sidelines

Ticket prices sour Villa’s Champions League adventure; retelling the Munich air disaster; why the new National League Cup won’t be drawing big crowds; the debate over WSL players’ pitchside autographs 12 Shot!

Under the Heathrow flightpath as Bedfont host PFC Victoria London





WI L L –

/ S I M O N G

/ O F F S I D E



15 Cameron Carter column

Life is a list of teams to “keep an eye on” 24 The perfect shot

QPR fans march to Wembley in 1967 30 World view

Dundalk’s financial spiral; a Serbian top division tie-in; San Marino celebrate a win at long last 44 Letters

Banksy approached me in the gardening part of the store... 46 Season in brief

IFK Gothenburg win Sweden’s championship play-off in 1990

FEATURES 16 Full volume

How stadium anthems went from communal singing to forced fun 19 Blue velvet

Birmingham City are turning heads as League One’s big spenders 20 Match of the month

Hope still prevails in Cumbria as Carlisle United host Fleetwood Town 26 Six of the best

Toto Schillaci, the man who came from nowhere to win the Golden Boot

The visitors are helped by the fact that Carlisle’s defence is so full of holes any passing Jumblies would be tempted to put to sea in it Carlisle United v Fleetwood Town p20

28 Confined space

Rebounding goalnets and chocolate boxes at The Dell in Southampton 34 Men of Kent

Tonbridge Angels pitching upwards; derby delight for Folkestone Invicta 36 Doctor’s note

Getting back out on the six-a-side pitch after a health scare 40 Bratwurst summer

2024 WSC readers’ survey results 42 Object lessons

Flicking through the pages of a Forestfilled scrapbook

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