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CONTENTS REGULARS 06 EYE OPENER Incredible s c ience images from around the world. 13 FEEDBACK Your thoughts on the ar ticles in BBC Science Focus. 15 DISCOVERIES All the month’s biggest news, including: Satellite collisions are a bigger threat t han we rea l i s ed; New Ozempic-like pill reduces weight by 13 per cent ; Being mentally resilient could cut your r i sk o f death; I ce Age hunters tricked mammoths into impaling themselves; Crossbreed dogs may not be as healthy as we f irst thought; And more… 26 DR DEAN BURNETT Why the best course of action is sometimes just to listen to your par t ner. 28 SOFIA QUAGLIA How ins ec t s a re t he unsung heroes when i t comes to seed dispersal. 44 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! S ave 40% on t he shop pr ice when you subscribe to BBC Science Focus Magazine v i a Direc t Debi t . 30 VICTORIA GILL Why lab-grown meat may be no better for the environment than livestock farming. 32 REALITY CHECK The science behind the headlines: Could wa s tewater f rom oli ve oil production have health benefits? Will we ever get an over-the-counter O z e mp i c- t y p e d r u g ? 38 INNOVATIONS A roundup of the hottest trends in technology. 76 THE BIG QUESTION When it comes to climate change, which tipping point has scientists most worried? 80 Q & A Our experts answer your questions. This month: Can science explain haunted houses? What happened to Einstein’s br a in? Could I l and a pla ne in an emergenc y? Why does t ime move so s low l y when I ’m a t t he g ym? What happens to t ime at t he event hor i zon o f a black hole? And more… 89 CROSSWORD Engage your grey matter! 89 NEXT MONTH A sneak peek at the upcoming issue. 90 BETTER LIVING THROUGH SCIENCE How to time your caffeine hit to get the most out of a cup of get-up-and-go. 4 15 DISCOVERIES 32 REALITY CHECK Satellite collisions could cause a pla net-wide dis a s ter. An e xper t explains how bad it could be. Oli ve oil i s good f or your hea l t h. But t he wa s tewater le ft over f rom making i t might be even be tt er. 80 Q&A
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FEATURES 46 SAVE THE SHARKS… SAVE THE OCEANS Dwindling shark populations will have a devastating impact on marine ecosystems... It ’s time to ‘reshark’ the world ’s oceans. 52 D A M A G E ASSESSMENT ESA’s next mission will show us if we can really save our planet from a s teroid a rmageddon. 60 KEEP YOUR HAIR ON Scientists are f inding new ways to treat hair loss. 70 THE ORIGIN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM Our understanding of our place in the cosmos is changing. Is it time to rewrite the story of how we found ourselves here? 66 PROF BRIAN COX WANT MORE? Don’t forget that BBC Science Focus i s av a i l able on a l l major dig i t a l plat f orms. We have ver s ions f or Android, a s well a s an iOS app f or t he iP ad and iPhone. C an’ t wait unt i l nex t month t o ge t your f i x o f s c ience and t ech? Our website i s packed wi t h news , f eatur e s and Q&A s t o keep your br a in s at i s f ied . INSTANT GENIUS Our bite-sized masterclass in podca s t f orm. F ind i t wherever you l i s t en t o your podca s t s . 38 INNOVATIONS The newest and most exciting innovations in the world of tech. 28 SOFIA QUAGLIA “PLANTS MIGHT HAVE EVOLVED SPECIFIC TRAITS NOT JUST TO ATTRACT BIRDS AND MAMMALS, BUT ALSO INSECTS” LUNCHTIME GENIUS A DAILY DOSE OF MENTAL REFRESHMENT DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX Sign up to discover the latest news, v iew s and br eak t hroughs f r om the BBC Science Focus t eam newsletter 5




Incredible s c ience images from around the world.


Your thoughts on the ar ticles in BBC Science Focus.


All the month’s biggest news, including: Satellite collisions are a bigger threat t han we rea l i s ed; New Ozempic-like pill reduces weight by 13 per cent ; Being mentally resilient could cut your r i sk o f death; I ce Age hunters tricked mammoths into impaling themselves; Crossbreed dogs may not be as healthy as we f irst thought; And more…


Why the best course of action is sometimes just to listen to your par t ner.


How ins ec t s a re t he unsung heroes when i t comes to seed dispersal.


S ave 40% on t he shop pr ice when you subscribe to BBC Science Focus Magazine v i a Direc t Debi t .


Why lab-grown meat may be no better for the environment than livestock farming.


The science behind the headlines: Could wa s tewater f rom oli ve oil production have health benefits? Will we ever get an over-the-counter O z e mp i c- t y p e d r u g ?


A roundup of the hottest trends in technology.


When it comes to climate change, which tipping point has scientists most worried?

80 Q & A

Our experts answer your questions. This month: Can science explain haunted houses? What happened to Einstein’s br a in? Could I l and a pla ne in an emergenc y? Why does t ime move so s low l y when I ’m a t t he g ym? What happens to t ime at t he event hor i zon o f a black hole? And more…


Engage your grey matter!


A sneak peek at the upcoming issue.


THROUGH SCIENCE How to time your caffeine hit to get the most out of a cup of get-up-and-go.






Satellite collisions could cause a pla net-wide dis a s ter. An e xper t explains how bad it could be.

Oli ve oil i s good f or your hea l t h. But t he wa s tewater le ft over f rom making i t might be even be tt er.

80 Q&A

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