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Our midwifery titles Midwifery Survival Guide: Common questions and answers for the newly qualified midwife Care for Pregnant Women who are Obese Survival Guide series edited by Jacqui Williams Research Skills for Nurses and Midwives By Sue Dyson and Peter Norrie Legal Aspects of Midwifery Birth Stories for the Soul Tales from women, families and childbirth professionals edited by Yana Richens and Tina Lavender Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture: Controversies and Challenges SECOND EDITION Edited by Victoria Hall Moran Electives and International Midwifery Consultancy: a resource for students, midwives and other healthcare professionals Tiger stripes and tears Gaynor D Maclean Foreword by Professor Dame Tina Lavender Bridgit Dimond Legal Aspects of Healthcare series Edited by Denis Walsh and Sheena Byrom Quay Books’ clinical and practical titles enable you to stay up to date with the latest techniques and best practice guidelines in midwifery. Written by leading clinicians, our titles on academic preparation, responsibilities, professional management, and training and communication skills will help you better manage your career. Our continuing professional development and education titles are designed to help you stay at the forefront of your profession. To order please call: 01722 716935 For further information visit our website
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Contents Editorial Board Tom McEwan Head of Programme and Principal Educator, NHS Education for Scotland Sadie Geraghty Professor of Midwifer y, University of Notre Dame, Australia Dr Cathy Hamilton Associate Dean, Academic Quality Assurance Practice Enhancement, School of Health and Social Work, University of Her tfordshire Alison Power Associate Professor (Learning and Teaching), Faculty Lead for Interprofessional Learning, Education and Collaborative Practice, Senior Lecturer in Midwifer y, University of Nor thampton Janine Stockdale Lecturer in Midwifer y Education at Queen’s University Belfast Claire Leader Assistant Professor, Depar tment of Nursing, Midwifer y and Health, Nor thumbria University Ellen Kitson-Reynolds Deputy Head of School Education, Principal Teaching Fellow, Lead Midwife for Education, Principal Fellow HEA, Professional Midwifer y Advocate, University of Southampton Anna Madeley Doctoral Researcher, School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Faculty of Wellbeing Education & Language Studies, The Open University Dr Gail Norris Associate Professor of Midwifer y, Head of International and Student Recruitment, Senior Teaching Fellow, Edinburgh Napier University td Healthcare L 2024 MA © The British Journal of Midwifer y aims to provide midwives, students and maternity ser vices professionals with accessible, original clinical practice and research ar ticles, while also providing summaries of high-quality research evidence, promoting evidence-based practice. Editoria l 581 Dynamic learning experiences for students Claire Leader Charit y spotlight 582 Congenital cytomegalovirus Leena O'Hara, Melanie Hiscutt Research 584 Verbal feedback for written assessment: evaluating a novel feedback communication strategy Gillian Singleton, Christine Furber 592 Solihull Approach training in undergraduate midwifery education: a pilot study Gail Anderson, Lorna Lawther November 2024 Volume 32 Number 11 624 Fundamentals Pathophysiology of the endocrine system 584 research Verbal feedback for assessments 600 Midwives' perspectives on personalised maternity care in the UK Jayne Wagstaff, Nicola Draper-Jennings, Zoë Darwin, Tomasina Stacey 608 Exploring perceptions of maternity services for pregnant adolescents in Indonesia: a qualitative study Andari Wuri Astuti, Yayuk Puji Lestari Sapientia 618 Are educators and practising midwives working together to support the future workforce? Jo Divers, Dr Sam Chener y -Morris Fundamentals 624 The endocrine system and associated disorders Rosalind Haddrill, Tom McEwan, Claire Leader, Ian Peate British Journal of Midwifer y, November 2024, Vol 32, No 11 579


Editorial Board Tom McEwan Head of Programme and Principal Educator, NHS Education for Scotland

Sadie Geraghty Professor of Midwifer y, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Dr Cathy Hamilton Associate Dean, Academic Quality Assurance Practice Enhancement, School of Health and Social Work, University of Her tfordshire

Alison Power Associate Professor (Learning and Teaching), Faculty Lead for Interprofessional Learning, Education and Collaborative Practice, Senior Lecturer in Midwifer y, University of Nor thampton

Janine Stockdale Lecturer in Midwifer y Education at Queen’s University Belfast

Claire Leader Assistant Professor, Depar tment of Nursing, Midwifer y and Health, Nor thumbria University

Ellen Kitson-Reynolds Deputy Head of School Education, Principal Teaching Fellow, Lead Midwife for Education, Principal Fellow HEA, Professional Midwifer y Advocate, University of Southampton

Anna Madeley Doctoral Researcher, School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Faculty of Wellbeing Education & Language Studies, The Open University

Dr Gail Norris Associate Professor of Midwifer y, Head of International and Student Recruitment, Senior Teaching Fellow, Edinburgh Napier University td

Healthcare L

2024 MA


The British Journal of Midwifer y aims to provide midwives, students and maternity ser vices professionals with accessible, original clinical practice and research ar ticles, while also providing summaries of high-quality research evidence, promoting evidence-based practice.

Editoria l 581 Dynamic learning experiences for students Claire Leader

Charit y spotlight 582 Congenital cytomegalovirus

Leena O'Hara, Melanie Hiscutt

Research 584 Verbal feedback for written assessment: evaluating a novel feedback communication strategy Gillian Singleton, Christine Furber

592 Solihull Approach training in undergraduate midwifery education: a pilot study Gail Anderson, Lorna Lawther

November 2024 Volume 32 Number 11

624 Fundamentals

Pathophysiology of the endocrine system

584 research

Verbal feedback for assessments

600 Midwives' perspectives on personalised maternity care in the UK Jayne Wagstaff, Nicola Draper-Jennings, Zoë Darwin, Tomasina Stacey

608 Exploring perceptions of maternity services for pregnant adolescents in Indonesia: a qualitative study Andari Wuri Astuti, Yayuk Puji Lestari

Sapientia 618 Are educators and practising midwives working together to support the future workforce? Jo Divers, Dr Sam Chener y -Morris

Fundamentals 624 The endocrine system and associated disorders Rosalind Haddrill, Tom McEwan, Claire Leader, Ian Peate

British Journal of Midwifer y, November 2024, Vol 32, No 11


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