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1-7 November 2024 IN THIS ISSUE 9 Podcasting’s kingmaker Freddie Hayward on The Joe Rogan Experience 20 The populist coup Sohrab Ahmari on Trump’s Republican Party 26 Back to the future Sarah Churchwell on the echoes of America’s fascist past 30 The lost continent Marina Wheeler on why Britain needs Europe 36 Patriot games Katie Stallard on the courage of Alexei Navalny 38 Made in Graceland Kate Mossman on the Presley family 44 Living with war Gary Younge on Steve McQueen’s film Blitz Before Kamala Harris: black women and the fight for democracy Blitz spirit: wartime myths Dynasty: Lisa Marie Presley Please note that all submissions to the letters page, our competitions and reader offers are accepted solely subject to our terms and conditions: details available on our website. Subscription rates: UK £119.99; Europe €159.99; Rest of World US$199.99. Syndication/permissions/archive email: Printed by Walstead Peterborough Ltd. Distribution by Marketforce. The New Statesman (ISSN 1364-7431) is published weekly by New Statesman Ltd, 40-42 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8EB, UK. Registered as a newspaper in the UK and USA 1-7 November 2024 | The New Statesman 5

1-7 November 2024


9 Podcasting’s kingmaker Freddie Hayward on The Joe Rogan Experience

20 The populist coup Sohrab Ahmari on Trump’s Republican Party

26 Back to the future

Sarah Churchwell on the echoes of America’s fascist past

30 The lost continent Marina Wheeler on why Britain needs Europe

36 Patriot games Katie Stallard on the courage of Alexei Navalny

38 Made in Graceland Kate Mossman on the Presley family

44 Living with war Gary Younge on Steve McQueen’s film Blitz

Before Kamala Harris: black women and the fight for democracy

Blitz spirit: wartime myths

Dynasty: Lisa Marie Presley

Please note that all submissions to the letters page, our competitions and reader offers are accepted solely subject to our terms and conditions: details available on our website. Subscription rates: UK £119.99; Europe €159.99; Rest of World US$199.99. Syndication/permissions/archive email: Printed by Walstead Peterborough Ltd. Distribution by Marketforce. The New Statesman (ISSN 1364-7431) is published weekly by New Statesman Ltd, 40-42 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8EB, UK. Registered as a newspaper in the UK and USA

1-7 November 2024 | The New Statesman


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