T h e
W i r e
4 9 0
The Wire 490 December 2024
Adventures in Sound and Music
D e c e m b e r
2 0 2 4
A R KANEThe saga of the dreampop enigmas. By Simon Reynolds
INTERMODULATION Electroacoustic auras
K a n e
/ I
n t e r m o d u l a t i o n
S u n
Y i z h o u
S u n
A r a w
SUN YIZHOU Everyday music
9 770952 068137 12 £6.50
Mong Tong Manja Ristić Flickers From The Fen
Poppy H Limpe Fuchs & Mark Fell
YAT TA Raven Chacon Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Sussan Deyhim on
Richard Horowitz Glasgow underground
Festivals galore