Don’t forget, if you have an idea for an article, why not get in touch and perhaps you could feature in
Editor’s Welcome
Welcome to the November issue of TRACTION. We start with a selection of photographs of the line between Bradford and the first station on the line to Manchester, Low Moor.
The days of heavy freight traffic at Warrington are recalled in our look at the area in the 1990s, including the disappearance of coal traffic to a nearby power station.
In South Yorkshire , the National Coal Board found it more economical to hire BR Class 08s to work traffic from some of the coal mines than buy new locomotives.
Finally, we look at a cross country line in the north Midlands near Stoke on Trent, which saw a variety loco hauled trains.
Stephen Rabone
69 Bradford to Low Moor photos by Gavin Morrison
72 Warrington in June 1990 by John Dedman
80 Tinsley Rods For Hire by Andrew Overton
8 6 Loco haulage on the ‘Knotty’ by Clive Baker
68 Tr a c t i o n | November 2024 |
Publisher: Steve Cole E: Editor: Stephen Rabone E:
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ISSN: 1354-2680 Scan this QR code with your smartphone to link through to TRACTION’s website
Cover photo: 40195 leaves the tunnel at Bowling Junction with the 13:00 Blackpool to Bradford Interchange on July 24th, 1976. GAVIN MORRISON