The Palestinian labyrinth
US: cockups are worse than conspiracies
THERE is a confused sense that the
sufferings of the Palestinians, the increasing solidarity that their
torment evokes in the Middle East, and Israel’s violent reactions in its own
defence, may plunge the world into the abyss. This confrontation between two nations,
Israeli and Palestinian, rightly or wrongly consumed by mutual fear, cannot last, for this
fear “justifi es” escalating repression on one side and recourse to violence by radical groups
on the other. Surveys confi rm that most people in both
camps want peace, yet at the same time there is mounting hatred and extremism. Both sides
now speak of “war to the death” and “complete annihilation”.
The failure of Israeli troops to defeat the Hizbullah militia this summer, and the fail
ure of United States troops to overcome the insurgents in Iraq, have given new hope to
Palestinian groups, who begin to believe in the possibility of a “long war of the people”.
They captured (and still hold) Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit on 25 June and are increasing
their rocket attacks on Sderot and Ashkelon. Six people have been killed in these attacks
in six years, while in the same period 4,500 people died as a result of the repression in the
occupied territories. The threat of rocket attacks feeds the Israe
lis’ desire for revenge. The hard-liners in the government, encouraged by the apathy of the
international community, seem to have carte blanche to punish the Palestinian population.
Israeli troops have killed more than 400 people in the past fi ve months, half of them civil
ians. It seems nothing can stop the troops. They did not hesitate to shoot unarmed
women at Beit Hanoun on 3 November; fi ve days later Israeli shells killed 20 civilians
there, including several children. This crime, the result of a “technical error”
according to Israel, caused worldwide consternation. The United Nations General Assembly
adopted a resolution (by 156 votes to 7) calling for the cessation of Israeli operations in Gaza
and all acts of violence. This no doubt forced Israel to accept a ceasefi re and withdraw
its troops from Gaza without the release of Corporal Shalit.
But the situation remains tense. Despite the courageous stand by the Labour minister
of culture, Ophir Pines-Paz, who resigned in protest, Ehud Olmert recently invited Avigdor
Lieberman to join the government as deputy prime minister with special responsibility
for strategic threats (see Whatever happened
PETER KLASEN ‘High Tension’ (1990)
to Israeli society, page 6). Lieberman is the leader of the far right party Israel Beitenu
(Israel is our home), whose members are mostly immigrants from the former Soviet
Union, often accused of xenophobia. Lieberman’s inclusion in a cabinet that is confused
and inclined to use force without due refl ection is a danger to the whole region. First and
foremost to Israel and its people. This has not been suffi ciently emphasised by the European
media, usually so quick to denounce the inclusion of extremists in EU governments.
Israeli newspapers including Haaretz have seen the dangers more clearly: “To appoint the
most irresponsible and unrestrained leader to the post of minister for strategic threats is
itself a strategic threat. Lieberman’s lack of restraint and his ill-timed pronouncements
— comparable only to those of the president of Iran — threaten to bring disaster to the entire
region” (1). The Israeli political commentator and writer on European fascism, Zeev Stern
hell, is clear on this. In his view, Lieberman is perhaps “the most dangerous politician in the
history of Israel” because of his “cocktail of nationalism, authoritarianism and dictatorial
mentality” (2). The danger is heightened by the situation in
the region. The recent defeat of the Republican party (and by association President George
Bush) in the US midterm elections and the US military failure in Iraq may aff ect US pol
icy in the region. There seem to be potential plans for the US to contact Syria (despite its
suspected involvement in the assassination of Pierre Gemayel in Lebanon last month) and
even Iran, whose help may be essential to get the US out of the mess in Iraq.
These developments are not at all to the liking of some in Israel, notably Lieberman and
his friends, who still bet on confrontation and the use of force. An irresponsible move on
their part cannot be ruled out because they are aware that governments around the world are
beginning to understand that there will be no peace in the region until the Palestinians are
off ered a viable state. TRANSLATED BY BARBARA WILSON
(1) Haaretz , Tel Aviv, 24 October 2006. (2) The Scotsman , Edinburgh, 23 October 2006.
The left in the United States remains distracted by fantastic stories about conpiracies hatched by the Bush administration: in many of these, even the 9/11 attacks are believed to have been an inside job. Yet the chief, and most fearful, characteristic of the Bush administration has been its low level of practical management abroad and at home.
WHERE was the American left in the recent campaign that ended
in the recapture of both houses of Congress by the Democrats on
7 November? Was it in the streets fomenting opposition to the war in Iraq? No, the antiwar
movement has been inert for months. When I was asked to give the keynote speech at a rare
antiwar rally in my local town in October, three of my five fellow orators didn’t mention
the war at all. Instead they numbed the audience and
sharply diminished its size with interminable dissections of the 9/11 attacks on the World
Trade Centre towers and the Pentagon. Their aim was to argue that the attacks were an
inside job organised by President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, or (a frequent
variation on the theme) by darker powers for which Bush and Cheney are mere errand boys.
Five years after the attacks, 9/11 “conspiracism” has penetrated deep into the left in the
US. It is also widespread on the libertarian and populist right, which is scarcely surpris
ing since the United States populist right instinctively mistrusts government to a far
greater degree than the left, and matches conspiracies to its demon of preference, whether
the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the United
Nations’ black helicopters (1) or the Jews.
These days a dwindling number of leftists learn their political economy from Marx. Into
the theoretical and strategic void has crept a diff use, peripatetic conspiracist view of the
world that tends to locate ruling class devilry not in the crises of capital accumulation, the
falling rate of profi t, or inter-imperial competition, but in locale — the Bohemian Grove,
Bilderberg, Ditchley, Davos (2) — or supposedly “rogue” agencies, with the CIA still at the
head of the list. The 9/11 “conspiracy” is the summa of all this foolishness.
You trip over a fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracists in the fi rst paragraph of a
book by one of their high priests, David Ray Griffi n: “In many respects,” Griffi n writes,
“the strongest evidence provided by critics of the offi cial account involves the events of 9/11
itself . . . In light of standard procedures for dealing with hijacked airplanes . . . not one of
these planes should have reached its target, let alone all three of them” (3).
The operative word here is “should”. A central characteristic of the conspiracists is that
they have a devout, preposterous belief in US effi ciency. Many of them start with the racist
premise, frequently voiced in as many words in their writings, that “Arabs in caves” weren’t
capable of the mission. They believe that mili
Continued on page 2
US: what the stock car race circuit
reveals about a political shift page 3
Iran: the poor get poorer after a
change of president page 4
Arab press: Al-Jazeera among the
tame Saudi pigeons page 5
Spain and the Basques: can the Eta
ceasefi re hold?
page 8
Ukraine: the unwelcome Tatars
still mean to stay page 10
Georgia: confl ict with Russia,
South Ossetia, Abkhazia page 11
Mexico: riot and rebellion in the
state and city of Oaxaca page 12
Africa: exporting health skills and
retaining sickness page 13
Behind the wardrobe: the secrets
of the Ikea company page 14
The functions of war: weakness
and witch-hunts page 16