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The universe’s most beautiful music. ANTIGUO AUTOMATA MEXICANO Kraut Slut CD (Static Discos) Like Neu!, My Bloody Valentine, Eno, Fripp and Glass converging at a minimal techno club in Berlin. LOW LOW LOW LA LA LA LOVE LOVE LOVE Ends of June CD (Other Electricities) A subtly orchestrated and deeply moving collection of melancholy melodies and confessional wordplay. ALSACE LORRAINE Dark One CD (Darla) “I love this album! See, this is exactly the kind of stuff I want to listen to when spring starts coming around.” – MANUAL MONTE MARDIE Clocks/Pretender 2CD (Hybris) “...evoking an out-of-time sensibility in its lyrics and music” – Stephen Deusner, PITCHFORK. DAMIAK Micalavera CD (n5MD) An transparent blend of electronically altered vignettes utilizing acoustic instruments. A must have for fans of Mum, Dntel, Blindfold or Mogwai. LINDA DRAPER Keepsake CD (Planting Seeds) Gently drawn willowy heart crushing folk pop ballads...timeless song craft ... echoes of Chris Harwood embracing Cat Power and Hope Sandoval... Perfect stuff. FAMILJEN Det Snurrar I Min Skalle CD (Hybris/Adrian) “Pretty, accessible atmospheric Swedish sounds” – Stacey Shackford,ITSATRAP FUTURE CONDITIONAL We Don’t Just Disappear CD (LTM) Retro-futurist electro-pop from members of Piano Magic, Trembling Blue Stars, Nouvelle Vague, Windsor For The Derby, and Klima. STAFRÆNN HÄÄKON Gummi CD (Resonant) A further giant leap forward for Olafur Josephsson. Features members of Efterklang and Ampop. MOUNT FUJI DOOMJAZZ CORPORATION Doomjazz Future Corpses! CD (Ad Noiseam) The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation is the live/improv/drone/ambient output of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble featuring Bong-Ra. MUS La Vida CD (Green UFOs) No other band does what they do. It is something you notice as soon as you listen to the new album: all the songs evoke images of pure beauty where the usually opposing worlds of tradition and the avant-garde seem to meet. OLVIS Bravado CD (Resonant) “Landmark album opens a new door of post-rock to electro-pop. If you want to hear an album that sounds out of this world, Olvis has created just the thing.” – THEBLACKANDWHITEMAG PORT - ROYAL Afraid To Dance CD (Resonant) A serious progression of their sound. Electronic beats at the forefront, hypnotic spacerock guitars & synth weave gentle melodies beneath. PROEM A Permanent Solution CD (n5MD) A true master of the genre drops his 6th studio album of classic atmospheric IDM. “Where Music Comes From” Lovely Label, Dependable Distributor, Best On-line Boutique ROMAN REVUTSKY Incomplete CD EP (Soundsister) Hypnotyzing electro-kraut narrative of uncommon lyrical power. RUMSKIB s/t CD (Darla) “This is great stuff indeed. Her voice sounds amazing and it ́ ́s such good melodies” – ULRICH SCHNAUSS RUN_RETURN Sum of an Abstract CD (n5MD) Run_Return’s self-released first album remastered and repackaged with 3 bonus tracks. ERIK SATIE Cubist Works 1913-24 CD (LTM) Piano and orchestra works written for Satie’s stage collaborations with Pablo Picasso, Including Parade and Mercure. Rare pieces include The Statue Found, The Puppets Are Dancing and Three Elegant Waltzes by a Revolting Dandy. VAPNET Nagat Daligt Nytt Har Hant CD (Hybris) “Vapnet speak fluent pop.” – Stephen Deusner, PITCHFORK THE VOYCES Kissing Like It’s Love CD (Planting Seeds) A throwback to sweet ‘70s AM radio pop, a la Poco and Firefall with a dash of America – mixed with the 60’s folk rock of Simon And Garfunkel. VENETIAN SNARES Pink + Green CD (Sublight) 15 year old K heads love this shit! If you hated albums like Winnipeg is a Frozen ShitholeandHiggins Ultra Low Track Glue Funk Hits 1972-2006, you will hate this even more!

The universe’s most beautiful music.


Like Neu!, My Bloody Valentine, Eno, Fripp and Glass converging at a minimal techno club in Berlin.

LOW LOW LOW LA LA LA LOVE LOVE LOVE Ends of June CD (Other Electricities)

A subtly orchestrated and deeply moving collection of melancholy melodies and confessional wordplay.


“I love this album! See, this is exactly the kind of stuff I want to listen to when spring starts coming around.” – MANUAL

MONTE MARDIE Clocks/Pretender 2CD (Hybris)

“...evoking an out-of-time sensibility in its lyrics and music” – Stephen Deusner, PITCHFORK.

DAMIAK Micalavera CD (n5MD)

An transparent blend of electronically altered vignettes utilizing acoustic instruments. A must have for fans of Mum, Dntel, Blindfold or Mogwai.

LINDA DRAPER Keepsake CD (Planting Seeds)

Gently drawn willowy heart crushing folk pop ballads...timeless song craft ... echoes of Chris Harwood embracing Cat Power and Hope Sandoval... Perfect stuff.

FAMILJEN Det Snurrar I Min Skalle CD (Hybris/Adrian)

“Pretty, accessible atmospheric Swedish sounds” – Stacey Shackford,ITSATRAP


Retro-futurist electro-pop from members of Piano Magic, Trembling Blue Stars, Nouvelle Vague, Windsor For The Derby, and Klima.


A further giant leap forward for Olafur Josephsson. Features members of Efterklang and Ampop.

MOUNT FUJI DOOMJAZZ CORPORATION Doomjazz Future Corpses! CD (Ad Noiseam)

The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation is the live/improv/drone/ambient output of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble featuring Bong-Ra.

MUS La Vida CD (Green UFOs)

No other band does what they do. It is something you notice as soon as you listen to the new album: all the songs evoke images of pure beauty where the usually opposing worlds of tradition and the avant-garde seem to meet.

OLVIS Bravado CD (Resonant)

“Landmark album opens a new door of post-rock to electro-pop. If you want to hear an album that sounds out of this world, Olvis has created just the thing.” – THEBLACKANDWHITEMAG

PORT - ROYAL Afraid To Dance CD (Resonant)

A serious progression of their sound. Electronic beats at the forefront, hypnotic spacerock guitars & synth weave gentle melodies beneath.

PROEM A Permanent Solution CD (n5MD)

A true master of the genre drops his 6th studio album of classic atmospheric IDM.

“Where Music Comes From” Lovely Label, Dependable Distributor, Best On-line Boutique

ROMAN REVUTSKY Incomplete CD EP (Soundsister)

Hypnotyzing electro-kraut narrative of uncommon lyrical power.

RUMSKIB s/t CD (Darla)

“This is great stuff indeed. Her voice sounds amazing and it ́ ́s such good melodies” – ULRICH SCHNAUSS

RUN_RETURN Sum of an Abstract CD (n5MD)

Run_Return’s self-released first album remastered and repackaged with 3 bonus tracks.

ERIK SATIE Cubist Works 1913-24 CD (LTM)

Piano and orchestra works written for Satie’s stage collaborations with Pablo Picasso, Including Parade and Mercure. Rare pieces include The Statue Found, The Puppets Are Dancing and Three Elegant Waltzes by a Revolting Dandy.

VAPNET Nagat Daligt Nytt Har Hant CD (Hybris)

“Vapnet speak fluent pop.” – Stephen Deusner, PITCHFORK

THE VOYCES Kissing Like It’s Love CD (Planting Seeds)

A throwback to sweet ‘70s AM radio pop, a la Poco and Firefall with a dash of America – mixed with the 60’s folk rock of Simon And Garfunkel.

VENETIAN SNARES Pink + Green CD (Sublight)

15 year old K heads love this shit! If you hated albums like Winnipeg is a Frozen ShitholeandHiggins Ultra Low Track Glue Funk Hits 1972-2006, you will hate this even more!

My Bookmarks

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