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contento MAIN S T O R I E S 62 If You Stand For Nothing You'll Fall For Anything Graphic agitators Fergadelic, Bob&Roberta Smith, Julian House, Product250, Shephard Fairey, My Precious Trash and Mongrel Design propagate their own-brand dissent. 76 Get Up, Stand Up The Dazed anti-survey survey on opinions, ideas, beliefs, confusions and contradictions. 80 Trash Your Technology They stand for eccentricity, sex and the future sound of retro. Step forward electro pop provocateurs Miss Kittin, Crossover, Station 17 and friends for the rude sound of 2002. Photography Daniel Stier 90 It Came From the Ground It came f rom the ground and now it runs our lives - literally. A few things you need to know about oil. Photography Nadav Kander F A S H I O N 100 Abbey, Adi, Agat, Chris, Dennis, Devra, Francesca, Julien, Lizzy, Nancy, Nikki, Sissal, Tristan. Photography by Marcelo Krasilic, Styling by Nicola Formichetti 116 Definitely Dressed Photography by Horst Diekgerdes, Styling by Alister Mackie 126 Violent Gentlemen Photography by Eric Nehr, Styling by Hector Castro cover photographv H O R S T D I E K G E R D E S s t y l i ng A L I S T E R M A C K I E BOBBY WEARS STAR P R I N T S H I R T BY M O S C H I N O J E A N S ; P U R P L E S H I R T W I T H METALL I C T R I M BY S O P H I A K O K O S A L A K I : MILITARY CAP F R OM CARLO MANZI
page 9
Air Crested Butte the only against. High tide noodles and the smell of wet grass. T he i tgh Arrogance, the attitude problem and the tooth fairy. Darwin and slip not. Stairs the lift, the taxi and anyone that made it to the end T d kee is tr our mind id the err be t person to look at the stars.Vending machines, supermarkets ai X . . Mw; things you don't know and everyone that ever asked why. For and thing that are, not who you might be. The human beat-box, ng but a smile. Whoever thought of subtitles, wristbands, gold teeth, too much and J oan of Arc. The 24hr video store, those willing to talk d ever The Setter, the word and freedom to say "f**k i! all". Liking it or lounging watching the shopping channel, how arid why. That girl on caring without giving a damn. Your best and your worst. The ego, the t seen it all before. Deodorant, the excuse planet Earth and the first stop sign and the day ofi. Certain animals { you know who you are) running man woman, feet and wherever it is you're going anyway

Air Crested Butte the only against. High tide noodles and the smell of wet grass. T he i tgh Arrogance, the attitude problem and the tooth fairy. Darwin and slip not. Stairs the lift, the taxi and anyone that made it to the end T

d kee is tr our mind id the err be t person to look at the stars.Vending machines, supermarkets ai

X . .

Mw; things you don't know and everyone that ever asked why. For and thing that are, not who you might be. The human beat-box,

ng but a smile. Whoever thought of subtitles, wristbands, gold teeth,

too much and J oan of Arc. The 24hr video store, those willing to talk d ever The Setter, the word and freedom to say "f**k i! all". Liking it or lounging watching the shopping channel, how arid why. That girl on caring without giving a damn. Your best and your worst. The ego, the t seen it all before. Deodorant, the excuse planet Earth and the first stop sign and the day ofi. Certain animals { you know who you are) running man woman, feet and wherever it is you're going anyway

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