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RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n may & june 2012 VOLUME 127 No 3 RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n Kenan Malik Haydn Mason Jonathan Meades Edwin Mullins John Postgate Philip Pullman Jonathan Rée Amartya Sen Simon Singh Marcus du Sautoy David Starkey Ralph Steadman DJ Stewart Ian Stewart Hazhir Teimourian Claire Tomalin David Tribe Baroness Turner of Camden Arnold Wesker Francis Wheen Elizabeth Wilson Richard Wiseman Lewis Wolpert Editorial Ofices Merchants House, 5-7 Southwark Street, London SE1 1RQ Telephone 020 3117 0630 Fax 020 7407 7962 Email WHUMANIST, ISSN 0306-512X, is published 6 times a year by the Rationalist Association © 2012 New Humanist. Printed by Blackmore Ltd, Dorset. Distribution by Comag Specialist. FSC Certification number TT-COC-002714. The mark of responsible forestry © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. The views expressed in New Humanist are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Rationalist Association CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISUE RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n ditorial Editor Caspar Melville News Editor Paul Sims Commissioning Editor Laurie Taylor Associate Editor Sally Feldman Cartoons Editor Judy Walker Designer Nick McKay cover Des Willie Website MARKETING & distribution Business Manager Judith Walker Marketing Executive Cassandra Scott Advertising Distribution Comag Specialist Telephone 01895 433 753 SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions New Humanist Subscriptions, Trinity House, Sculpins Lane, Wethersfield, Braintree, Essex, CM7 4AY Email Telephone 01371 851881 Fax 01371 851808 PublishING The Rationalist Association Registered charity No 1096577, a company limited by guarantee No 4118489 RA President Jonathan Miller RA Board Sally Feldman Winston Fletcher Jose Gonsalves John Metcalf David Pollock Tess Woodcraft Jonathan Stopes-Roe Chairman Laurie Taylor RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n honorary associates David Aaronovitch Peter Atkins Lord Birt Colin Blakemore Alan Brownjohn Colin Campbell Philip Campbell Noam Chomsky Helena Cronin Richard Dawkins Sanal Edamaruku Ekow Eshun AC Grayling Trevor Griffiths Stuart Hall Tony Harrison Simon Heffer Eric Hobsbawm Richard Hoggart Ted Honderich Robin Ince Linton Kwesi Johnson Richard Leakey Stewart Lee alom shaha is a physics teacher and science broadcaster. In his first book, The Young Atheist’s Handbook, published by Biteback in July, he tells the story of how he lost his faith and found the courage to admit it. On page 20 he explains why he felt he had to write it. sarah ditum is a freelance journalist whose writing has appeared in the New Statesman, Psychologies and the Guardian’s Comment Is Free. On page 36 she explores the recent cases of child abuse based on accusations of witchcraft. 4 New Humanist may june 2012 chris mooney is a science and political journalist. His latest book is The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science – and Reality (Wiley). On page 28 he defends “neuropolitics”, the idea that political differences can be traced to differences in the brain. philip ball is a science writer whohas written on awide range of topics from Frankenstein to cathedrals. His new book is Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything (Bodley Head). On page 24 he examines the role that curiosity has played in driving science. Jacques berlinerblau is Associate Professor and director of the Program for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University and a frequent contributor to the Ideas and Culture blog of the Chronicle of Higher Education. On page 39 he asks what’s wrong with American secularism. P
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[editorial] PORK, ALCOHOL, SEX The opening chapter of The Young Atheist’s Handbook, the new book by our cover star Alom Shaha, is dedicated to the joys of the bacon sandwich. Ormore accurately a particular bacon sandwich, the one he ate when he was a young waiter, the first one he had ever eaten, the one that confirmed the fact that he was now prepared to go against the precepts of Islam, the religion he had grown up within, the religion of his parents and the Bangladeshi community in South London where he grew up. It is a big moment for him: both marking his emancipation from a faith he no longer believed in and symbolising the long-forbidden secular joys – pork, alcohol, sex – that his new-found status as a self-described atheist entitled him to sample. Shaha’s book skilfully weaves together a narrative of his life growing up in Elephant and Castle with the arguments and ideas – from physics to philosophy – that led him to question and then reject the religion of his parents. On page 20 he reveals why he felt compelled to write it. A PHONY WAR ON SECULARISM Shaha is convinced that it is vital for those who do not accept the revealed truth of religion, especially those brought up Muslim, to say so, in order that young people are aware of the full spectrum of options available to them. But no doubt he will still be denounced as the latest example of that new scourge of society, the aggressive, militant atheist. On both sides of the Atlantic religious conservatives have recently been ramping up the rhetoric against secularists. In the US President Obama – not exactly a stranger to a pew – is denounced by Republican hopeful Newt Gingrich as the “mastermind of a secular-socialist machine”, and the language is hardly less absurd in Britain – former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey says militant secularists are trying to bully Christians, the Conservative Party Chair Sayeeda Warsi says militant secularism is akin to totalitarianism to bully Christians, the Conservative Party Chair Sayeeda Warsi says militant secularism is akin to totalitarianism and, best of all, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Britain’s most senior Catholic, says it’s time to call a halt to progress. Meanwhile David Cameron, trying to play both ends against the middle in his tepid support for gay marriage, in a recent speech commends the Christian “fightback”. For a cool take on all this overheated nonsense turn to page 14 where News Editor Paul Sims looks at the phony war on British secularism, and page 39, where Jacques Berlinerblau, a Professor at Georgetown University, analyses the threats to the US separation of church and state. THE EVIL THAT MEN DO While defenders of the faith would like to think that religion plays a wholly benign role in society, this issue makes abundantly clear the harm it can cause. On page 16 James Gray reports on the recent growth in exploitative fringe religious groups, aka cults, while on page 36 Sarah Ditum looks at the recent disturbing cases where accusations of spirit possession have led to the torture and murder of children. FAITH IN HUMANITY In the light of such horrors it can be hard to retain faith in humanity. For inspiration turn to our profile of the indefatigable campaigner on behalf of the victims of torture and genocide, Helen Bamber. Since her volunteer work as a teenager in Belsen, Bamber, now 86, has been listening to and supporting the survivors of man’s inhumanity to man for more than six decades, and has still managed to retain her sense of humanity and faith in the human spirit. An equally human and humane approach is offered by former Bishop Richard Holloway in our books interview (page 42). Holloway’s memoir, Leaving Alexandria, narrates the story of his journey into, through and eventually out the other side of organised religion. Though Alom Shaha and Richard Holloway are from very different religious traditions, their conclusions are markedly similar: one of faith’s biggest flaws is its cruel and repressive approach to human sexuality. ■ RICHARD HOLLOWAY, FORMER BISHOP OF EDINBURGH > PAGE 42 RICHARD HOLLOWAY, FORMER BISHOP OF EDINBURGH “Christianity made a serious mistake associating sex with metaphysical evil” “Christianity made a serious mistake associating sex with metaphysical evil” may june 2012 New Humanist 5

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n may & june 2012 VOLUME 127 No 3

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n

Kenan Malik Haydn Mason Jonathan Meades Edwin Mullins John Postgate Philip Pullman Jonathan Rée Amartya Sen Simon Singh Marcus du Sautoy David Starkey Ralph Steadman DJ Stewart Ian Stewart Hazhir Teimourian Claire Tomalin David Tribe Baroness Turner of Camden Arnold Wesker Francis Wheen Elizabeth Wilson Richard Wiseman Lewis Wolpert Editorial Ofices Merchants House, 5-7 Southwark Street, London SE1 1RQ Telephone 020 3117 0630 Fax 020 7407 7962 Email WHUMANIST, ISSN 0306-512X, is published 6 times a year by the Rationalist Association © 2012 New Humanist. Printed by Blackmore Ltd, Dorset. Distribution by Comag Specialist. FSC Certification number TT-COC-002714. The mark of responsible forestry © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. The views expressed in New Humanist are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Rationalist Association CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISUE

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n ditorial Editor Caspar Melville News Editor Paul Sims Commissioning Editor Laurie Taylor Associate Editor Sally Feldman Cartoons Editor Judy Walker Designer Nick McKay cover Des Willie Website MARKETING & distribution Business Manager Judith Walker Marketing Executive Cassandra Scott Advertising Distribution Comag Specialist Telephone 01895 433 753 SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions New Humanist Subscriptions, Trinity House, Sculpins Lane, Wethersfield, Braintree, Essex, CM7 4AY Email Telephone 01371 851881 Fax 01371 851808 PublishING The Rationalist Association Registered charity No 1096577, a company limited by guarantee No 4118489 RA President Jonathan Miller RA Board Sally Feldman Winston Fletcher Jose Gonsalves John Metcalf David Pollock Tess Woodcraft Jonathan Stopes-Roe Chairman Laurie Taylor

RATIONALIST a s s o c i a t i o n honorary associates David Aaronovitch Peter Atkins Lord Birt Colin Blakemore Alan Brownjohn Colin Campbell Philip Campbell Noam Chomsky Helena Cronin Richard Dawkins Sanal Edamaruku Ekow Eshun AC Grayling Trevor Griffiths Stuart Hall Tony Harrison Simon Heffer Eric Hobsbawm Richard Hoggart Ted Honderich Robin Ince Linton Kwesi Johnson Richard Leakey Stewart Lee alom shaha is a physics teacher and science broadcaster. In his first book, The Young Atheist’s Handbook, published by Biteback in July, he tells the story of how he lost his faith and found the courage to admit it. On page 20 he explains why he felt he had to write it.

sarah ditum is a freelance journalist whose writing has appeared in the New Statesman, Psychologies and the Guardian’s Comment Is Free. On page 36 she explores the recent cases of child abuse based on accusations of witchcraft.

4 New Humanist may june 2012

chris mooney is a science and political journalist. His latest book is The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science – and Reality (Wiley). On page 28 he defends “neuropolitics”, the idea that political differences can be traced to differences in the brain.

philip ball is a science writer whohas written on awide range of topics from Frankenstein to cathedrals. His new book is Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything (Bodley Head). On page 24 he examines the role that curiosity has played in driving science.

Jacques berlinerblau is Associate Professor and director of the Program for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University and a frequent contributor to the Ideas and Culture blog of the Chronicle of Higher Education. On page 39 he asks what’s wrong with American secularism.


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