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Gorch.kova in Harnoncourr in CONTENTS REGULARS 4 Editor's choice Best new recordings of the month 19 From where I sit Peter Readman on CaE's career 20 Singertalk Remembering Gramophone's founding edi tor 22 Readers' letters Sinatra : major not minor A1 US Section (US edition onl y) Cypress String Quartet interviewed ; celebrating Gramopbone's 80th; US reviews 32 Reputations Piani st and perfec tionist, Michelangeli 36 Collection Alan Blyth on Verdi's La Jorz.a del destino 102 Detour... Jeremy Nichola s on jazz-pianist Art Tatum 140 Live Music Listing the best live events around the world; classical highlights 011 TV, radio and th e web; plus Paul Lewis, South Bank Award-winner 151 Hindsight The birth of Gramopbone 80 years ago 154 My Music QC Michael Mansfield on favourite classi cs NEWS 8 For the record Lang Lang signing to DG confirmed; UK Government makes concessions over licence bill 17 Obituaries Lou Harrison and Luciano Chailly FEATURES 24 Cover story Simon Rattle and the Vienna Philharmonic 28 Interview Aimard and Harnoncourt combine forces REVIEWS 40 ORC H STRAl Rattle's Beethoven; Abbado's Debussy 54 ORC H EST RAL RIISSUES Mahler and his disciples 56 CHAMR R Lindsays' Beethoven; superb budget Rorem 64 INS~U M E TA LYundi Li plays Liszt 70 I TR META L R : IS5 ES Pianists and pioneers 72 VOCA LMaria Cristina Kiehr sings D'India 86 O PERA A welcome first recording of a full Alfano opera 93 0 I ' ERA REI SS UES A feast of historic Parsifals 94 DV D An evening with Bryn Terfel, and Szell on DVD 98 RIPLAY Casals Festival at Prades and other hi storicals 101 TAKE FIV Andrew Achenbach revisits Nordic relea ses 104 BOO K P [VI EWS Rossini 's life , Barenboim speaks DATA 34 Subscriptions 1 26 Classifieds 136 New releases 152 Reviews index AUDIO ====~~=~~============== 106 News Arcam enter DVD-A; Linn updates cartridge 107 Feedback Your hi-fi questions answered 108 Audio clinic Our audio doctor pays a housecall 110 Tests & Reports Nairn CDX2 114 Quad 99 CD-P/909 115 Myryad Z140 116 Teac Legacy 600 119 Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD 121 Niro Two 6.1 122 Rotel RSP 1066/RMB 1075 123 Glossary Guidance for the less technologically minded Audio review r~~~~~=:i:=ijQuad intToduces an unu sual CD pl aye r which doubles as a digital pream p 114 COVER PI IOT(} KLAUS RUDOLPH, THIS PAGE , CLOCKWJSE FROM BOTTOM LEFT, MARCO BORGGREVE; ARTHAUS PRODUCllONS, EM I / T H ERES IJ\ LINKE, AURA-MUSIC.CO M, CO£., MARY EVANS PlcrURE L_ I_BRAR__Y,'-----_ ________ www,grarnophone,cQ,uk GRAMOPHO NE April 2003 3

Gorch.kova in

Harnoncourr in


REGULARS 4 Editor's choice Best new recordings of the month 19 From where I sit Peter Readman on CaE's career 20 Singertalk Remembering Gramophone's founding edi tor 22 Readers' letters Sinatra : major not minor A1 US Section (US edition onl y) Cypress String Quartet interviewed ; celebrating Gramopbone's 80th; US reviews 32 Reputations Piani st and perfec tionist, Michelangeli 36 Collection Alan Blyth on Verdi's La Jorz.a del destino 102 Detour... Jeremy Nichola s on jazz-pianist Art Tatum 140 Live Music Listing the best live events around the world;

classical highlights 011 TV, radio and th e web; plus Paul Lewis, South Bank Award-winner 151 Hindsight The birth of Gramopbone 80 years ago 154 My Music QC Michael Mansfield on favourite classi cs

NEWS 8 For the record Lang Lang signing to DG confirmed;

UK Government makes concessions over licence bill 17 Obituaries Lou Harrison and Luciano Chailly

FEATURES 24 Cover story Simon Rattle and the Vienna Philharmonic 28 Interview Aimard and Harnoncourt combine forces

REVIEWS 40 ORC H STRAl Rattle's Beethoven; Abbado's Debussy 54 ORC H EST RAL RIISSUES Mahler and his disciples 56 CHAMR R Lindsays' Beethoven; superb budget Rorem 64 INS~U M E TA LYundi Li plays Liszt 70 I TR META L R : IS5 ES Pianists and pioneers 72 VOCA LMaria Cristina Kiehr sings D'India 86 O PERA A welcome first recording of a full Alfano opera 93 0 I ' ERA REI SS UES A feast of historic Parsifals 94 DV D An evening with Bryn Terfel, and Szell on DVD 98 RIPLAY Casals Festival at Prades and other hi storicals 101 TAKE FIV Andrew Achenbach revisits Nordic relea ses 104 BOO K P [VI EWS Rossini 's life , Barenboim speaks

DATA 34 Subscriptions 1 26 Classifieds 136 New releases 152 Reviews index


====~~=~~============== 106 News Arcam enter DVD-A; Linn updates cartridge 107 Feedback Your hi-fi questions answered 108 Audio clinic Our audio doctor pays a housecall 110 Tests & Reports Nairn CDX2 114 Quad 99 CD-P/909

115 Myryad Z140 116 Teac Legacy 600 119 Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD 121 Niro Two 6.1 122 Rotel RSP 1066/RMB 1075 123 Glossary Guidance for the less technologically minded

Audio review r~~~~~=:i:=ijQuad intToduces an unu sual CD

pl aye r which doubles as a digital pream p 114




GRAMOPHO NE April 2003 3

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