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T h e B e s t s e l l i n g P a n - A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s M a g a z i n e



A n I C P u b l i c a t i o n 4 6 t h Y e a r N ° 3 8 8 J u l y 2 0 1 2

Nigeria: New light on old darkness South Africa: Battles over youth jobs Malawi: A pill too bitter to swallow? Ethiopia: Honey, the liquid gold Investigative Report How to end fuel scams Science South Africa to host world’s largest telescope SPECIAL REPORT Aviation in Africa

Inventive Africa How innovation is changing the continent InventiveAfrica!TheblossomingofAfricaninnovation n Euro Zone € 4.50 n UK £3.00 n USA $4.95 n Algeria DA 300 n Angola 700 Kwanza (AOA) n Australia A$ 7.50 n Bahrain BD 2.00 n Canada $6.50 n CFA Zone CFA 2.500 n Cyprus 3.85 n Denmark DKr 35 n Egypt E£ 20 n Ethiopia R 50 n Gambia Da 100 n Ghana GH¢ 5.00 n Indonesia R35,000 n Jamaica $350 n Jordan JD 3.500 n Kenya KShs 300 n Kuwait KD 1.500 n Lebanon LL 7500.00 n Malaysia RM 15.90 n Mauritius MR 150 n Morocco Dh 30 n Nigeria N 500 n Norway NOK 59 n Oman OR2.00 n Qatar QR 20 n Rwanda RWF 3000 n Saudi Arabia Rls 20 n Sierra Leone LE 15000 n Singapore $7,50 n South Africa R30.00 (inc. tax) n Other Southern African Countries R 26.30 (excl. tax) n Sweden SKr 33 n Switzerland SFr 8.70 n Tanzania TShs 5,400 n Tunisia TD 3500 n Turkey 10.00YTL n UAE Dh 20 n Uganda USh 8,700 n Zambia K 16000

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