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The reviewers Andrew Achenbach Fabrice Fitch Richard Osborne Nicholas Anderson Jonathan Freeman- Stephen Plaistow Mary Berry Attwood Nicholas A Rast Alan Blyth Edward Greenfield Guy S Rickards Joan Chissell David S Gutman Marc Rochester Rob Cowan Stephen Johnson Julie Anne Sadie Peter Dickinson Lindsay Kemp Duncan Druce John Duarte Adrian Edwards Tess Knighton Andrew Lamb Robert Layton Ivan March Stanley Sadie Lionel Salter Edward Seckerson Robert Seeley John B Steane Richard T Fairman Ivan W G Moody Michael Stewart David Fallows Bryce Morrison Jonathan Swain David J Fanning David Nice John Warrack lain Fenlon Patrick O'Connor Arnold Whittall Hilary Finch Michael Oliver Richard Wigmore Key to symbols CD New ( i ) Reissue (reissues are also listed in comparisons as R; when a date appears as, say, 7/56 R it means the recording was first reviewed in July 1956 but has since been reissued under the listed number, though not re-reviewed). Al97 refers to reviews in the Awards issue Historic Video Compact Disc Cassette o LP 00 Digital Compact Cassette " LaserDisc m VHS Cassette oas Only available singly aas Also available singly nla No longer available Price where stated is inclusive of VAT at 17·5% ® Full price £10 and over ® Medium price £7 - £9·99 ® Bargain price £5 - £6·99 ® Super bargain price £4·99 and below AAD/ADDIDDD denote analogue or digital stages in the recording! edi ting or mixing! mastering or transcription processes in CD manufacture Gramophone Founded in 1923 by Sir Compton Mackenzie and Christopher Stone Volume 75 Number 900 Published by Gramophone Publications Limited 135 Greenford Road, Sudburl Hill , Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3YD. Great Britain . Telephon. 0181·422 4562 Fa. 0181·869 8400 E-mail Web site IN\ North American subscriber enquiries Mercury Airfreight International Ltd 908·396 9555 FlU< 908·396 1492 Gramophone is published on the Wednesday nearest the middle of each month prior to that of issu e plus a 13th issue in October and is avai lab le from all newsage nts. bookstalls and via subscripti on. ~ US air · speeded rate $87'00. periodicals postage paid Rahway, NJ and at additional mailing office s. Subscribers, both at home an d abroad, are reguested to advise ch ange of address details to our Subscription Department at least five weeks prior to the change becoming effective.,! US Postmaste r please send North American address corrections to Mercury Airfreight Int ernaliona l Ltd. Inc .. 2323 Randolf Avenue, Avenel, NJ0700 I . Whilst every elTon had been made to ensure the accuracy of statements in this m(lgazine. we cannot accept responsi bilit y for any errors or omissio ns, or for matters arising from clerical or printers' errors, or an ad ve rtiser not completing his contract.~ It is requested that all lette rs to the Editor requiring a personal reply should be accompanied by a stam ped addressed enve l ope. ~ Text printed on Galeri c Brite 60gs m. Sup pli ed by S., lhu rst Paper plc .~ Printed in England by St Ives (Plym oulh ) Limited , Plymouth; and London .' ISSN 0017·310X © 1 998 Gramophone Publications Limited Editorial Fax 0181·869 8403 E-mail Editor Deputy Editor Assistant Editor Sub·editor Edhorial Assistant Editorial Manager Audio Editor Audio Consulting Editor Audio Consultant AdvertiSing Fax 0 181-869 8402 James Jolly Harriet Smith Mark Wiggins Vivian Stewart Alex Newby Alan Worth Ivor Humphreys Keith Howard John Borwick E-mail Advertisement Manager lain Hutchison AdverIisernenl Manage!' Paul Geoghegan Advert isemenl Procuction Co-ordin ator Patti Alvarez Design F. . 0 181·8698403 Art Editor Designers Lisa Druggan Isabel Jagoe Janis Nicholls Marketing Fox 0161 ·8698402 E-mail .uk Marketing Manager Verity Batchelder Subscriptions Fo. 016 1·8698404 E-mail Subscription Manager Valerie Warburton Gramophone Publications Limited Fax 0181·869 8400 E-mail Chairman Editorial Direct Q( Director of Busi>eSs DeveIopmenI Rnancial Director Production Manager Product ion Editor Anthony Pollard Christopher Pollard Barry Irving Richard Phalp Dermot Jones Emma Roach 2 Gramophone April 1998 Reviews 4 Index to reviews 36 Orchestral 60 Chamber 74 Instrumental 84 Choral and song 108 Opera 122 Collectors' corner 140 Soundbites 144 Jazz Features 14 Gramophone at 75 (I Not only has Edward Greenfield been ~ a stalwart member of Gramophone's ~ reviewing team for nearly 40 years, for many he also is the voice of classical music, with a di sting uished career as a broadcaster and newspaper critic. Here he reminisces abo ut his life in record collecting Regulars 6 Letters Setting the record straight on Ettore Bast ianini, a plea for more British music at the Proms, the vexed question of amplified performances in the concert-hall and a hearty thumbs up for Riccardo Chailly's recent Firebird 24 Collection Stephen Johnson looks at the two strin g quartets of Janacek, the First of which a lso celebrates it s 75th anniversary this yea r. Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the top contenders hal e from Eastern Europe A1 North American retrospect Jed Distler has been immersing himself in piano music from th e nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Chopin from artists as different as Pletnev and Perlemuter, Liszt series from Hyperion and Naxos and piano transcriptions by Busoni and Godowsky (follows page 32, only in the North American edition)

The reviewers Andrew Achenbach Fabrice Fitch

Richard Osborne

Nicholas Anderson Jonathan Freeman- Stephen Plaistow Mary Berry Attwood Nicholas A Rast Alan Blyth Edward Greenfield Guy S Rickards Joan Chissell David S Gutman Marc Rochester Rob Cowan Stephen Johnson Julie Anne Sadie

Peter Dickinson Lindsay Kemp

Duncan Druce

John Duarte

Adrian Edwards

Tess Knighton

Andrew Lamb

Robert Layton

Ivan March

Stanley Sadie

Lionel Salter

Edward Seckerson

Robert Seeley

John B Steane

Richard T Fairman Ivan W G Moody Michael Stewart David Fallows Bryce Morrison Jonathan Swain David J Fanning David Nice John Warrack lain Fenlon Patrick O'Connor Arnold Whittall Hilary Finch Michael Oliver Richard Wigmore

Key to symbols CD New ( i ) Reissue (reissues are also listed in comparisons as R; when a date appears as, say, 7/56 R it means the recording was first reviewed in July 1956 but has since been reissued under the listed number, though not re-reviewed). Al97 refers to reviews in the Awards issue Historic Video Compact Disc Cassette o LP 00 Digital Compact Cassette

" LaserDisc m VHS Cassette oas Only available singly aas Also available singly nla No longer available Price where stated is inclusive of VAT at 17·5% ® Full price £10 and over ® Medium price £7 - £9·99 ® Bargain price £5 - £6·99 ® Super bargain price £4·99

and below AAD/ADDIDDD denote analogue or digital stages in the recording! edi ting or mixing! mastering or transcription processes in CD manufacture

Gramophone Founded in 1923 by Sir Compton Mackenzie and Christopher Stone

Volume 75 Number 900

Published by Gramophone Publications Limited 135 Greenford Road, Sudburl Hill , Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3YD. Great Britain . Telephon. 0181·422 4562 Fa. 0181·869 8400 E-mail Web site IN\

North American subscriber enquiries Mercury Airfreight International Ltd 908·396 9555 FlU< 908·396 1492 Gramophone is published on the Wednesday nearest the middle of each month prior to that of issu e plus a 13th issue in October and is avai lab le from all newsage nts. bookstalls and via subscripti on. ~ US air · speeded rate $87'00. periodicals postage paid Rahway, NJ and at additional mailing office s. Subscribers, both at home an d abroad, are reguested to advise ch ange of address details to our Subscription Department at least five weeks prior to the change becoming effective.,! US Postmaste r please send North American address corrections to Mercury Airfreight Int ernaliona l Ltd. Inc .. 2323 Randolf Avenue, Avenel, NJ0700 I . Whilst every elTon had been made to ensure the accuracy of statements in this m(lgazine. we cannot accept responsi bilit y for any errors or omissio ns, or for matters arising from clerical or printers' errors, or an ad ve rtiser not completing his contract.~ It is requested that all lette rs to the Editor requiring a personal reply should be accompanied by a stam ped addressed enve l ope. ~ Text printed on Galeri c Brite 60gs m. Sup pli ed by S., lhu rst Paper plc .~ Printed in England by St Ives (Plym oulh ) Limited , Plymouth; and London .' ISSN 0017·310X © 1 998 Gramophone Publications Limited

Editorial Fax 0181·869 8403 E-mail


Deputy Editor Assistant Editor Sub·editor Edhorial Assistant Editorial Manager Audio Editor Audio Consulting Editor Audio Consultant AdvertiSing Fax 0 181-869 8402

James Jolly Harriet Smith Mark Wiggins Vivian Stewart

Alex Newby Alan Worth Ivor Humphreys

Keith Howard John Borwick


Advertisement Manager lain Hutchison AdverIisernenl Manage!' Paul Geoghegan Advert isemenl Procuction Co-ordin ator Patti Alvarez Design F. . 0 181·8698403

Art Editor Designers

Lisa Druggan

Isabel Jagoe Janis Nicholls

Marketing Fox 0161 ·8698402 E-mail .uk

Marketing Manager Verity Batchelder Subscriptions Fo. 016 1·8698404 E-mail

Subscription Manager Valerie Warburton

Gramophone Publications Limited Fax 0181·869 8400 E-mail


Editorial Direct Q(

Director of Busi>eSs

DeveIopmenI Rnancial Director Production Manager Product ion Editor

Anthony Pollard

Christopher Pollard

Barry Irving Richard Phalp Dermot Jones Emma Roach

2 Gramophone April 1998

Reviews 4 Index to reviews 36 Orchestral 60 Chamber 74 Instrumental 84 Choral and song 108 Opera 122 Collectors' corner 140 Soundbites 144 Jazz


14 Gramophone at 75


Not only has Edward Greenfield been ~ a stalwart member of Gramophone's ~ reviewing team for nearly 40 years, for many he also is the voice of classical music, with a di sting uished career as a broadcaster and newspaper critic. Here he reminisces abo ut his life in record collecting


6 Letters

Setting the record straight on Ettore Bast ianini, a plea for more British music at the Proms, the vexed question of amplified performances in the concert-hall and a hearty thumbs up for Riccardo Chailly's recent Firebird

24 Collection

Stephen Johnson looks at the two strin g quartets of Janacek, the First of which a lso celebrates it s 75th anniversary this yea r. Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the top contenders hal e from Eastern Europe

A1 North American retrospect Jed Distler has been immersing himself in piano music from th e nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Chopin from artists as different as Pletnev and Perlemuter, Liszt series from Hyperion and Naxos and piano transcriptions by Busoni and Godowsky (follows page 32, only in the North American edition)

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