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Anewconcept in human engineering. This is the hi-fi system that does absolutely everything in the way of making music. Including things you have never even imagined, let alone seen or heard before. And it does them all superbly. Automatically. At the touch of a button . By remote control. From anywhere in the house if you like. With the Beosystem 5000, 'user-friendly'is an understatement. The only time you need go near the system is to load the tapes and discs. Then sit down in comfort with the miraculous Master Control Panel at your side and program the receiver's microcomputer for a whole evening's leisured listening. Playa record, a cassette and up to 9 pre-set radio programmes - in any sequence - without further instructions. Scan the tape for the tracks you like best. Repeat the record up to 7 times. Set the timer to play any source at any time on any or every day. Automatically. The controls are all there at your fIngertips. At the receiving end of the Master Control Panel's infra-red signals is the 2 x 55 watts Beomaster 5000 tuner-amplifier. And connected to the Beomaster by electronic data link is the Beogram 5005 record deck and the Beocord 5000 cassette recorder. All this human engineering is yours to command for around £1206. Explaining all its features, functions and extraordinary benefits would take up almost as much space as the Beosystem 5000 itself. But we have compiled the main facts into a 32 page Design Story which you are invited to send for. See, hear and try the new Beosystem 5000 at your nearest Bang & Olufsen dealer. He can also demonstrate our unique Master Control Link that lets you enjoy and control your hi-fI from other rooms in the house. Or contact us for full details at Bang & Olufsen UK Limited, Dept G2., Eastbrook Road, Gloucester GL4 7DE. Telephone (0452) 21591. Bang&Olufsen

Anewconcept in human engineering.

This is the hi-fi system that does absolutely everything in the way of making music. Including things you have never even imagined, let alone seen or heard before.

And it does them all superbly. Automatically. At the touch of a button . By remote control. From anywhere in the house if you like.

With the Beosystem 5000, 'user-friendly'is an understatement.

The only time you need go near the system is to load the tapes and discs. Then sit down in comfort with the miraculous Master Control Panel at your side and program the receiver's microcomputer for a whole evening's leisured listening.

Playa record, a cassette and up to 9 pre-set radio programmes - in any sequence - without further instructions. Scan the tape for the tracks you like best. Repeat the record up to 7 times. Set the timer to play any source at any time on any or every day. Automatically.

The controls are all there at your fIngertips.

At the receiving end of the Master Control Panel's infra-red signals is the 2 x 55 watts Beomaster 5000 tuner-amplifier. And connected to the Beomaster by electronic data link is the Beogram 5005 record deck and the Beocord 5000 cassette recorder. All this human engineering is yours to command for around £1206.

Explaining all its features, functions and extraordinary benefits would take up almost as much space as the Beosystem 5000 itself. But we have compiled the main facts into a 32 page Design Story which you are invited to send for.

See, hear and try the new Beosystem 5000 at your nearest Bang & Olufsen dealer. He can also demonstrate our unique Master Control Link that lets you enjoy and control your hi-fI from other rooms in the house. Or contact us for full details at Bang & Olufsen UK Limited, Dept G2., Eastbrook Road, Gloucester GL4 7DE. Telephone (0452) 21591.


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