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CONTENTS INDEX TO R VIEW 526 Inc/udillg Kalinnikov's First Symphony, two recordings of Hilldemith's "Mathis der Maler" symphOrlY and Haitink's new Berlin Mahler First. Alan Blyth re!'iell's Schubert Lieder records by Felicity Loll and Dame Janet Baker. CORRESPONDENCE 527 LOllis Kerltner remembered and information on A!fven's Fifth SymphOrlY. NEW R.ELEASES 528 A listillg of new Compact Disc , Cassette and LP releases scheduled to appear this morrlh. EDITORIAL 532 T i,e GRAMOPHONE Record Awards. NEWS AND VIEWS 532 Graham Jolmson on performing Schubert Lieder, Lynn Harrell 011 the Victor Habert cello concertos al1d William Christie 011 Gesualdo and Charpentier. GRAMOPHONE R. CORD AWARDS 19R 545 Results, comment alld secolld reviews of this year's willl1ers. U ART RL Y RETROSPECT 557 Johll Steatlf disCl/sses Tecent vocal recordings alld deilles illto the arc/ri!'es for favollrite voices from the past. MICHA L IL ' N THOMA 501 Stephen Johnson talks to the new Prillcipal COrlductor of tile LOl1dOrl Sympho/ly Orchestra. GRAT 0 R C H S R A : L 0 562 As a /letll Pril1cipal Condllctor takes lip his post we profile the world's most recorded orchestra, th e LOl1don SymphollY Orchestra. GRAM PHON LLECTION 571 David Felllnil1g considers the recorded versiolls of Beethoven's Piano SOllata irl Bjlat major, "Hammerklavier". C MPACT I I VID -0 577 NelliS and rC!'iellls of the latest member of the Compact Disc family, the CD V. REVIEWS 583 Orchestral- 583. Chamber-627. Instrumelltal-641. Choral & SOIlg649. Oper0--670. Classical Pops-680. Stage & Screen-680. Brass & Military-683 . Jazz-684. Spokell Word-689. Compact Disc ROllnd· 1Ip--690. Cassette Commentary-693 . AUDI 697 Compact Disc Video--697. Philips CDV475 al1d Piolleer CLD·1200 CDV Players-698. Yamaha CDX·III0 Compact Disc Player-700. SOllY CDP·557ESD Compact Disc Player-705. Orell SA-040 Integrated Amplilier-706. Dellon TU-800 AMfFM Stereo TUl1er-707. AKG Moder K280 Headpholles- 708. New Prodllcts-711. Alldio Forum-712. FRONT V R Michael Tilson Thomas, the lIelll Prillcipal COllductor of the LSO, appears on this mOllth'sfrollt (over. 011 pa~e 561 he talks to StephellJohllsOIl alld lIIe revielll his /lew LSO oj Mahler's Third Symphony on page 606. (Photo: CBSf Friedmarl) NEXT MONTH Jessye Norman is featured on the November front cover; she sings the titlerole in the /Ifill Philips recordillg of Ri(hard Strallss's " Ariadne auf Naxos" . Also /lext mOlltil, .. Die Walkiire", condllcted by James Leville. The Novelllber 1988 issue is published 011 Wednesday Nov ember 2/1d. Vol . (,6 No. 785 Published by G('OcrJl GnU1o phonl' Publica tions l td .. 177/9. Kenlo n Road. Harrow, Middlc!>l.: x NA30HA. Telephone 01-907 4476 , Telex 265871 M()NREF C MUS027 fax 01-907 ()()73 Editor. CHRISTOPHER POLLARD 0 Au istant Editor,JAMESJOLLY 0 Consultant to Ediwri3J I) CpUUllCI1t, QUITA CHAVEZ 0 Audio DircC(or. JOHN OORWICK 0 Audio Editor, IVOR HUMPI tREYS 0 Audio Con~ultalH, JOHN GILBERT 0 Deputy Publisher & Ad ve rtisement Di.reclor, BARRY IRVING U Advcniscmcnt C (}-()rdin .:u o r & Art EditOr. DERMOT JONES 0 Circulation Mall3gcr, STEPHEN PRESC OTT 0 Sub~cription Malugcr. VALERIE WARBURTON D I'ublishcr & Man3ging Editor. ANTHONY POLLARD I-Irrbrrr BI"'1rst~d'-PI, . 54' . 600 & 611

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