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The Gramophone, May, 1931 • • ' . ' • ...,."';.., THE ME LTR .:QP,E.r,____ ·; Pic~.~~p..~- -- cAnother striktng .adyance! The name MELTROPE in connection with soundreprodu,cing apparatus .has long been recognised as denoting sound . workmanship, consistent reliability and unequalled quality, at a reasonable price. Like the MELTROPE Sound'box. the " MELTROPE Pick·up Immediately ~stablished itself 'as second to none. Hitherto, however, certain technical difficulties have prevented pick-up manufacturers from producing a fully stand . .dised product. We are gl.d to be able to announce that these difficulties have now been completely overcome in the new MELTROPE Pick-up by the Introduction of the needlc·collets system which proved itself so successful in the MELTROPE IliA sound-box. Unde,.. this system the needle Is gripped ,ently but firmly at .11 points along about i·lnch of Its length. Instead of being Ineffectively wedged by a needle screw. Suitable collets have been designed for steel needles. fibre needles '.,. and Burmese Colour Needles. so that any of these types may be used with the new ' MELTROPE Pick-up with similar and consistent r~suJt.s. The introduction o( this collet system has had the (oUowin, effects :- I. The ·needl.e.potnt Vibrations are now transmitted t-o the ..a rmature. With ne,llgible loss . . 2. It has' therefor. been 'p.ossible .to ~.crease the needle­ point impedan'~e with .a consequen~ reduction of record wear (with steel needles) or broken _points (when nonmetallic i ieedles are used). 3. Although the response to high notes has been Improved. 3urlace noise has been reduced owing to the uniformity of contact between needle and groove. :~ ..... 4. Harmonic distortion has been still further diminished and the response to transient notes imp·roved. .... S. The measured r .m.s . voltage output has been increl'se'd throughout the scale; but. what ;s .'more Important. the acoustic output with a given amplifier an"O loudspeaker has been increased in much greater proportion. 6. Owing to the absence of resonances. amplitude distortion and extraneous noises. the acoustic outPUt of consistently good quality with the MELTROPE is gteater than with any other pick~up j the amplifier will handle greater power I without overloading. 7 The output with a non-metallic needle (projecting only a small distance from the collet) Is now equal to that of a • medium steel needle . This means extra volume Without record wear. " . <'N!anufactured by AMPLIFIERS, LTO. BI LLET ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, E.17 Send for Folder showing complete Specification -- THE GRAMOPHONE EXCHANGE, LTD. Foreign Recordings A few Gems from our Catalogue of Foreign and Continental Recordings of His Master's Voice, Columbia, Decca, Odeon and Polydor by Famous Artists and Orchestras. Full l ist on application. BACH-SCHONBERG. Prelude and Fugue in E~. Played by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 2 records 13/­ WAGNER. Overture and Venusberg Music" Tarmhauser." Played by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra 3 records 19/6 DOHNANYI. Suite, Op. 19. Played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra GERMAN. Welsh Rhapsody. Played by the London Symphony Orchestra 3 records 19/6 DVORAK. "New World" Symphony. 2 records 13/- Played by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra 5 records 32/6 BEETHOVEN. Symphony No.2 in D. Played by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 4 records 18/- BRAHMS. Symphony NO.4 in E minor. Played by the Orchestra of the State Opera House, Berlin 6 records 39/­ RAVEL. Suite No.2, "Daphnis and Chlb'e." Played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra 2 records 13/­ You can obtain GENEROUS ALLOWANCE for your UNWANTED RECORDS when purchas!nlt NEW RECORDS or for your present Gramophone as part payment (or a NEW MODEL or a RADIO- GRAMOPHONE. The New"Astra" Green Fibres Stouter, lon~er, and harder than any fibre needle yet, and will play, with a properly tensioned soundbox, any record not worn with a steel needle, however heavily scored. PRICE ONE SHILLING PER BOX OF TWENTY. The New "Astra" No.5 Fibre S db Mr. Compton Mackenzie says:­ oun OX" It is without question one of the very best obtainable anywhere. At £2 lOS. i t may seem a little expensive, but the delicacy and refinement of the tone, coupled with exquisite defim'tion and comiderable volume, make i t cheap at the price . . . . . I recommend i t uithout reserve." Generous allowance on your old soundbox in part payment. NO GRAMOPHONIST SHOULD BE WITHOUT "The Book :It~ Gramophone" PRICE SIXPENCE POST FREE, includingaFfte Sample of the NEW GREEN "ASTRA" FIBRE NEEDLES. Dept. G, ASTRA HOUSE, 121, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.G.2. Tekp!um e: Temple Bar 3007.

The Gramophone, May, 1931

• • ' . ' • ...,."';..,


ME LTR .:QP,E.r,____

·; Pic~.~~p..~-


cAnother striktng .adyance! The name MELTROPE in connection with soundreprodu,cing apparatus .has long been recognised as denoting sound . workmanship, consistent reliability and unequalled quality, at a reasonable price. Like the MELTROPE Sound'box. the " MELTROPE Pick·up Immediately ~stablished itself 'as second to none. Hitherto, however, certain technical difficulties have prevented pick-up manufacturers from producing a fully stand . .dised product. We are gl.d to be able to announce that these difficulties have now been completely overcome in the new MELTROPE Pick-up by the Introduction of the needlc·collets system which proved itself so successful in the MELTROPE IliA sound-box. Unde,.. this system the needle Is gripped ,ently but firmly at .11 points along about i·lnch of Its length. Instead of being Ineffectively wedged by a needle screw. Suitable collets have been designed for steel needles. fibre needles '.,. and Burmese Colour Needles. so that any of these types may be used with the new ' MELTROPE Pick-up with similar and consistent r~suJt.s.

The introduction o( this collet system has had the (oUowin, effects :-

I. The ·needl.e.potnt Vibrations are now transmitted t-o the

..a rmature. With ne,llgible loss . . 2. It has' therefor. been 'p.ossible .to ~.crease the needle­

point impedan'~e with .a consequen~ reduction of record wear (with steel needles) or broken _points (when nonmetallic i ieedles are used). 3. Although the response to high notes has been Improved.

3urlace noise has been reduced owing to the uniformity of contact between needle and groove. :~ ..... 4. Harmonic distortion has been still further diminished and the response to transient notes imp·roved.


S. The measured r .m.s . voltage output has been increl'se'd throughout the scale; but. what ;s .'more Important. the acoustic output with a given amplifier an"O loudspeaker has been increased in much greater proportion. 6. Owing to the absence of resonances. amplitude distortion and extraneous noises. the acoustic outPUt of consistently good quality with the MELTROPE is gteater than with any other pick~up j the amplifier will handle greater power I without overloading. 7 The output with a non-metallic needle (projecting only a small distance from the collet) Is now equal to that of a • medium steel needle . This means extra volume Without record wear.

" .

<'N!anufactured by AMPLIFIERS, LTO.

BI LLET ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, E.17 Send for Folder showing complete Specification




LTD. Foreign Recordings A few Gems from our Catalogue of Foreign and Continental Recordings of His Master's Voice, Columbia, Decca, Odeon and Polydor by Famous Artists and Orchestras. Full l ist on application.

BACH-SCHONBERG. Prelude and Fugue in E~.

Played by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

2 records 13/­

WAGNER. Overture and Venusberg Music" Tarmhauser."

Played by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra

3 records 19/6

DOHNANYI. Suite, Op. 19.

Played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

GERMAN. Welsh Rhapsody.

Played by the London Symphony Orchestra

3 records 19/6

DVORAK. "New World" Symphony. 2 records 13/-

Played by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra

5 records 32/6

BEETHOVEN. Symphony No.2 in D.

Played by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

4 records 18/-

BRAHMS. Symphony NO.4 in E minor.

Played by the Orchestra of the State Opera House, Berlin

6 records 39/­

RAVEL. Suite No.2, "Daphnis and Chlb'e."

Played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra

2 records 13/­

You can obtain GENEROUS ALLOWANCE for your UNWANTED RECORDS when purchas!nlt NEW RECORDS or for your present Gramophone as part payment (or a NEW MODEL or a RADIO-


The New"Astra" Green Fibres

Stouter, lon~er, and harder than any fibre needle yet, and will play, with a properly tensioned soundbox, any record not worn with a steel needle, however heavily scored. PRICE ONE SHILLING PER BOX OF TWENTY.

The New "Astra" No.5 Fibre S db Mr. Compton Mackenzie says:­ oun OX" It is without question one of the very best obtainable anywhere. At £2 lOS. i t may seem a little expensive, but the delicacy and refinement of the tone, coupled with exquisite defim'tion and comiderable volume, make i t cheap at the price . . . . . I recommend i t uithout reserve." Generous allowance on your old soundbox in part payment.





Tekp!um e: Temple Bar 3007.

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