Februa~v, 1944
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When a customer is kind enough to say, " Imhof's is the nicest shop I know," we feel that our efforts to make i t so have not been in vain. There is something about a visit to Imhof's that puts it on a different plane to "just shopping." The calm and friendly atmosphere . . . the quiet but sincere welcome . . . the knowledgeable sales-people . . . the comfortable sound proofed audition rooms . . . each contributes its share in making your visit a pleasurable one no matter whether you are contemplating the purchase of an album of a complete work or you have just dropped in during an all too-short lunch hour to hear a new release that has attracted your attention. Yes, we feel Imhof's is the nicest shop we know also; and we believe you'll like it too.
All enquiries to; Alfred Imhof, Ltd. 112-6 New Oxford St., London,W.e.1
l D8tr um ent Cases by Iml,of's Imho('s well-equipped modern plant is engaged on fine l imit sheet metal work-Instrument Cases . Amplifiers. Electrical and Mechanical Assemblies, Press Work . Metal Handles, Cellulose-Finishing.
Imhof'. (Retail) Ltd.
Established 1845
112- 116, NEW OXFOR'D STREET LONDON w.e.1 Tel'ephone: MUSeum 5944