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Jllly, 1952 Tk GRAMOPHONE ON CAPITOL LONG PLAYING (lli r .p.m.) RECORDS Capitol is not, as many people seem to think, only the label for the top-line American dance, swing and jazz bands. On Capitol records, there are a number of highly interesting works not to be found in the more popular concert and record repertoire. These are all performed by some of the finest American and continental artists, orchestras and chamber groups, and will be of the utmost interest to those who wish to explore the lesser-known by-ways of modern (and, indeed, of classical and romantic) music. Bartok Music for siring instruroenle, perCU&8iOD and ~elesla THE Los ANGELES CSUlBER SVI\'PI10NY. condo by HAROLD BYRNS CCL 7500 Walton Quartet io A minor (1 side) Villa-Lobos Quartet No.6 io E major (1 8ide) 1 l iE HOLLYWOOD STRINC QUARTET CTL 7004 Bacbiana. bnuileiras No.1 for eigbt 'celli, Choro. No•• 4 & 7 CTL 7014 BacbianM hu.8i1eiru No. 2-two excerpts; Chorol No. 10 CCL 7504 On both these records, the nppropriate combinations 8fe directed by WERNER JANSSEN Poulenc Sooata-l0 Ibe memory of Garcia Lona (1 side) Hindemith Sonata in D major, Ope 11 No.2 (I . ide) LOUIS KAUFMAN (Violin), and ARTUR BALSAM (Piano) CTL 7001 Quartet No.3, Op. 22 (I side) Prokofiev Quartd No.2 in F major, Op. 92 (I side) TOE HOLLYWOOD STRINe QUARTET CTL 7016 Lieulenant Kije-Suite i The love of three ol'3nge.-Suite THE FRENCH NATIONAlSYMPHONY OncnESTRA , condo by ROCER OESORlIUERE CTL 7017 Schoenberg Verkliirte Nacbt (Transfigured night) THE HOLLYWOOD STRINe QUARTET CeL 7507 Visions fugilivu, Op. 221 Sonata No.6, Op. 82 LEONARD PF.NNARIO (Piooo) CT!. 7006 Roussel Symphony No." in A major, Op. 53, Suile in F major, Op. 33 . LA~OUREUX ORCUESTRA OF PARIS conducted by GEORCES TZJPJNE CTL 7003 Glazunov The SeaaoUl-Ballet suite THE FRENCH NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA cond o by ROCER DESORMJEaE CTL 7018 Honegger (OOtuto da camera for Hute. Englioh horn and l . ri"8" (I side) Richard Strauss Dud..conurtino for dariael, b. . . .on, otring. and barp (I , ide) Soloists, with THE Los ANGELES CHAMBER SYMPHONY cODd. by HAROLD BYRNS CTL 7007 Milhaud Concerto No.2 for Violin and Orchestra, Concertino de Prinlempe LoUIS KAUFMAN (Violin), with members of TBE FRENCH NATIONAL RADJODIFFUSION ORCB.ESTRA conducted by DARIUS MILBAUD and DaD&el de Jacaremirim LoUIS KAUFMAN (Violin) Rod ARTUR BALSAM (Piano) CTL 7005 Mosu-OptU AmericaoWD No.2 THE FRENCH NATIONAL RADIODIFFUSION ORCHESTRA .oDd. by DARIUS MILIIAUD CTL 7008 Ravel Introduction aod allegro ( l side) ANN MASON STOCKTON (Harp). ARTHUR GLECHORN (Flute), MITCHELL LURIE (Clarinet), and TUE HOLLYWOOD STRING QUARTET Debussy Dansu . .cree et profaDe (I side) ANN MASON STOCKTON (Harp). with string ensemble conduct.ed by FELIX SU1'J<IN CCL 7509 Schubert Symphonies No.2 in B flat major and No.8 in B minor-played by The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra conducted hy William Steinberg-are scheduled for release in England in the near future. Although not coming under the classification of unusual works, they are worthy of particular note because of the very favourable reception which they have enjoyed in America. If you have any difficulty in obtaining these, or any other Capitol records which you require, please write direct 10 IU. PLAYING (3Ji r .p.m.) MICROGROOVE RECORDS Capitol, division of THE · DECCA RECORD COMPANY, LTD., 1·3 BRIXTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W.9 A

Jllly, 1952



Capitol is not, as many people seem to think, only the label for the top-line American dance, swing and jazz bands. On Capitol records, there are a number of highly interesting works not to be found in the more popular concert and record repertoire. These are all performed by some of the finest American and continental artists, orchestras and chamber groups, and will be of the utmost interest to those who wish to explore the lesser-known by-ways of modern (and, indeed, of classical and romantic) music.

Bartok Music for siring instruroenle, perCU&8iOD and ~elesla THE Los ANGELES CSUlBER SVI\'PI10NY. condo by HAROLD BYRNS CCL 7500

Walton Quartet io A minor (1 side) Villa-Lobos Quartet No.6 io E major (1 8ide) 1 l iE HOLLYWOOD STRINC QUARTET CTL 7004 Bacbiana. bnuileiras No.1 for eigbt 'celli, Choro. No•• 4 & 7 CTL 7014 BacbianM hu.8i1eiru No. 2-two excerpts; Chorol No. 10 CCL 7504 On both these records, the nppropriate combinations 8fe directed by WERNER JANSSEN

Poulenc Sooata-l0 Ibe memory of Garcia Lona (1 side)

Hindemith Sonata in D major, Ope 11 No.2 (I . ide) LOUIS KAUFMAN (Violin), and ARTUR BALSAM (Piano) CTL 7001

Quartet No.3, Op. 22 (I side)

Prokofiev Quartd No.2 in F major, Op. 92 (I side) TOE HOLLYWOOD STRINe QUARTET CTL 7016

Lieulenant Kije-Suite i The love of three ol'3nge.-Suite THE FRENCH NATIONAlSYMPHONY OncnESTRA , condo by ROCER OESORlIUERE CTL 7017

Schoenberg Verkliirte Nacbt (Transfigured night) THE HOLLYWOOD STRINe QUARTET CeL 7507

Visions fugilivu, Op. 221 Sonata No.6, Op. 82 LEONARD PF.NNARIO (Piooo) CT!. 7006

Roussel Symphony No." in A major, Op. 53, Suile in F major, Op. 33 . LA~OUREUX ORCUESTRA OF PARIS conducted by GEORCES TZJPJNE CTL 7003


Honegger (OOtuto da camera for Hute. Englioh horn and l . ri"8" (I side)

Richard Strauss Dud..conurtino for dariael, b. . . .on, otring. and barp (I , ide) Soloists, with THE Los ANGELES CHAMBER SYMPHONY cODd. by HAROLD BYRNS CTL 7007

Milhaud Concerto No.2 for Violin and Orchestra, Concertino de Prinlempe LoUIS KAUFMAN (Violin), with members of TBE FRENCH NATIONAL RADJODIFFUSION ORCB.ESTRA conducted by DARIUS MILBAUD and DaD&el de Jacaremirim LoUIS KAUFMAN (Violin) Rod ARTUR BALSAM (Piano) CTL 7005 Mosu-OptU AmericaoWD No.2 THE FRENCH NATIONAL RADIODIFFUSION ORCHESTRA .oDd. by DARIUS MILIIAUD CTL 7008

Ravel Introduction aod allegro ( l side) ANN MASON STOCKTON (Harp). ARTHUR GLECHORN (Flute), MITCHELL LURIE (Clarinet), and TUE HOLLYWOOD STRING QUARTET

Debussy Dansu . .cree et profaDe (I side) ANN MASON STOCKTON (Harp). with string ensemble conduct.ed by FELIX SU1'J

Schubert Symphonies No.2 in B flat major and No.8 in B minor-played by The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra conducted hy

William Steinberg-are scheduled for release in England in the near future. Although not coming under the classification of unusual works, they are worthy of particular note because of the very favourable reception which they have enjoyed in America.

If you have any difficulty in obtaining these, or any other Capitol records which you require, please write direct 10 IU.




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